Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Absurdity in reality TV

Ok, I am the first to admit I am a reality TV fan. Maybe not an addict, but I do find my DVR is filled with Real Housewives (or, as Andrew calls it, Real Hobags), Profect Runway, Top Chef, Survivor, Pregnant in Heels and occasionally My Strange Addictions (which is not my passion, but Andrew loves it). However, I think its time to draw the line. After recent announcements of new reality by a variety of cable networks, I feel it is my duty to report what is in store for other fans like myself, so you can exercise your power to shut the damn TV off and pick up a book.

Amish Mafia
Ok, really? First of all, there is a mafia among the Amish? And what exactly are they controlling-quilt sales? Black Market Shoo Fly Pies? Do they run you down with Horse and buggys? My brother had shared a scenario that acurately reflects what we might see in an upcoming episode:

...."Abraham." " It appears that Ishmael was found using real buttons on his jacket!" " It's time we sent a message to these punks." " Go fetch 3 shoo fly pies and 5 pounds of Amish potato salad and meet me at the Wockenfus's barn at midnight."....

Yes, they still make moonshine in Appalachia, sometimes illegally. This series introduces us to some of the men and women who practice this 200-year-old tradition. How do they come up with their special formulas, and what do they have to do to avoid the long arm of the law, which is just as vigorous as in Prohibition days?

I think they deserve some credit that they can actually function enough to drink Moonshine and be on a reality show at the same time. Wait...maybe thats the best case scenario.

Whisker Wars
This docu-comedy is centered in the world of competitive facial-hair growing. Seems this might be a slow moving documentary. Do they include women who have some facial hair issues? Can't wait for Haircut Carving.

My Strange Addiction...Never Nude
This is a group of individuals who are never without clothes, 24 hours a day. They dress for work, bathe, sleep, without ever taking their clothes. This is just plain...ew. Truthfully, there are times I prefer not to be nude, but sometimes you have to throw caution to the wind and be free. Perhaps therapy could be a visit to a nudist colony.

Happy Viewing!

Monday, December 3, 2012

problem patrons

I was going to do a quick piece on the great theater we saw this weekend..including the christmas spectacular with the Rockettes(my god, 3d glasses, fireworks, ice skating, continues to be the show to see) but I was faced with our most recent patron we don't have enough.
This is an older woman with a walker and her quasi-sane son, who are heavy library users. They are here daily. He is a scruffy man in his early 50's, very thick glasses, not very attractive, who is now destined to live with his mother until her dying days. His mother shuffles in with her walker, which often is so slow, that i have winced as the automatic doors close as she enters. I have seen her caught in those doors twice, as her unaware son walks in before her to take care of library business. The more bigger issue in her odor. Now, I really thought my odor days were pretty much over when I left Pratt library and the homeless population. But no, I am not so fortunate and truly it was so bad, I finally had to have a heart to heart with her son.
No one wantes to have these kinds of conversations. They are uncomfortable and embarrassing. He told me she has a UTI that she can't get rid of despite all the antibiotics the doctor puts her on. Now really, a UTI that has been going on for 6 months? I tried being sensitive, offered a book of senior services to help caregivers, and told him that if she won't listen to him, perhaps the threat of never coming back to the library might encourage her to address the issue. Its sad, but how does her son not notice this? Not sure I got through. Perhaps we can time the visit so it's the same time as the sit down man, who smells like a musty basement. One might counteract the other.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Library chapters...

As seen in our libraries.....

When I got to work on Thursday morning there was a possum in a trap cage on the sidewalk in front of the front doors. We don't know if the cage was set and the possum just walked into it or if someone put the possum there in the cage. (The area is not visible on the surveillance video.) I called AA County Animal Control and they referred me to DNR so I called them but they were on the other line so I left a message. (They never called me back.) At about 10:30 we saw a possum out back (a man was trying to feed him) so we looked and determined that someone had let the possum out of the cage. No one ever came to retrieve the trap cage so we disposed of it.

Ok..I thought this was a bit unusual (a day in the life), but when I read there was a man FEEDING the possum...what the hell?

Around 12:35 pm, a patron reported that there was a woman passed out on the floor in the restroom. Ms Angela Thompson (PZ 21997063179008) was found slumped over on the floor over a McDonald’s food bag. She did not respond to me after several attempts, so Peggy Levee called 911. In the interim, she came finally came around and was able to get up and leave the restroom, she then attempted to leave the building. She was very unstable on her feet and her speech was slurred making it difficult to understand her. Police/Fire arrived and spoke with her – she refused medical treatment. She told the officers that after her meth treatment each morning her boyfriend drops her off at the library to look for jobs. The officers searched her and found no evidence of drugs in her possession.

I think maybe McDonalds might be the culprit.

Patron asks strange questions
Just before 11:00am, Ms. Howell returned to the Adult Information Desk and started asking questions about the library’s security video footage and how one would go about getting the footage. Ms. Dean was immediately on guard and probed for information on what Ms. Howell was looking for and for what date. Ms. Howell implied that it was a while ago, and Ms. Dean explained that we would not have footage from that long ago.

Ms. Howell then took the conversation in several strange directions. She talked about bad police officers who are dangerous and violent. She mentioned her children’s father, and seemed to indicate that there was an incident where the father was at the library with the children. She pointed around the building, as if the incident happened at WCO. She also told of an incident in the parking lot when her husband or boyfriend’s car got lipstick on it. Ms. Dean asked if they talked to library staff at the time of the incident, and Ms. Howell said no because it was his responsibility. Ms. Howell went back to the questions about subpoenas for video footage several times during the conversation, which lasted about ten minutes. She backed away from the desk several times during the conversation, but then would come back. Ms. Dean tried to determine what Ms. Howell wanted, but was unsuccessful. Ms. Dean offered several times to have her talk to the Branch Manager, but she didn’t want to. Ms. Howell seemed to know who I was, since she described me, but did not know my name until Ms. Dean gave it to her. I arrived at the Adult Information Desk at 11:00am. Shortly after that, Ms. Howell agreed to talk to me.

What is the story about the lipstick on the car? Did someone draw a pic? Kiss the car?

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

holiday insanity

After my eventful weekend in Greenville SC enjoying good comapny and alot of football, its time to give some thought about the holidays. More directly, Christmas. Shopping is not my thing. I do lots of it online. What was recently brought to my attention was the Williams Sonoma catalog, which, truthfully, are for the folks who are in the 2% income bracket. But what fun it is to read---and think people might actually purchase these items...

Item #02-741009 Callie's Charleston Biscuits

Williams-Sonoma says: "Flaky, buttery, and made by hand by celebrated caterer Callie White."

Price:$72 (set of 24)

Now, really. 72.00. For biscuits. At Popeye's, the biscuit comes free with your order. At Williams-Sonoma, it costs you the rough equivalent of your phone bill. How good could these biscuits possibly be? There's a threshold past which biscuits cannot improve. Even the best goddamn biscuit in the world isn't $72 better than a Popeye's biscuit. Unless that biscuit can make you teleport.

Item #02-2719136 Chef'n Panini Spatula

Williams-Sonoma says: "Wide platform with a slot simplifies slicing then lifting even the largest sandwiches." sandwich is sooooo huge!! I can't possibly lift it using only my hands or a common spatula. If only someone out there would invent a unique tool that would allow me to lift my panini and then transfer it to a plate. I'm not just gonna pick it up myself, like a DOG. There's hot gruyere in that sandwich! It could burn.

Item #02-410423 Assumption Abbey Fruitcake

Williams-Sonoma says: "Baked by trappist monks at a monastery in the Missouri Ozarks. Order early. Supply is limited."

Okay...this all wrong on all kinds of levels.There are trappist monks in the Ozarks? Do they brew artisanal meth? I don't trust fruitcake to begin with. I sure as hell am not trusting fruitcake that comes from a redneck friar. They'll swap out uppers for candied fruit. And yet, supply is limited. Apparently, the market for $40 Ozark fruitcake is ENORMOUS. White women from Bridgehampton ALL THE WAY to Westhampton rely on the monks to deliver their holiday fruitcake every year. In Arkansas no doubt.

Item #02-9691155 Found Grain Sack Stocking

Williams-Sonoma says: "NEW & EXCLUSIVE. Crafted from 70-year-old Hungarian grain sacks made of burlap and linen. Made in Hungary."

40.00 for a sack??? Oh, wait, its a HUNGARIAN sack.

Where's my Walmart catalog??????

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Superstorm no more

Yep...the big one was brewin. A superstorm. Frankenstorm. There was quite a roar of media information since Monday about this one..and I admit, I was caught up in the terror of it all. They were reporting they have never seen anything like was the perfect that will go down in the history books. A storm of the century. Two unusual things that do not normally happen, happened. Instead of behaving like a good hurricane and heading out to sea, Sandy proved to be a juvenile delinquent. She is took a sharp left hand turn into NJ where she hooked up with a rather large system who prefers to remain anonymous that dropped down on us from Canada.
(Is there anything good that comes out of Canada?) Romantic sparks flew as Sandy and Storm Doe partied like there's no tomorrow and well, this was one party no one wanted to host.

Our governor spoke on Sunday to tell us to stay home. People WILL be killed. If you are asked to evacuate, don't hesitiate..get out. Jim Cantori from the Weather Channel also shared his thoughts...and we in Maryland were glad he was not broadcasting in Ocean City or Cambridge cause when Jim is at your door, you are in deep shit.

Don't get me wrong. It was a terrible storm-Maryland's eastern shore got most of the damage. And quiet Western Maryland just started ski season 2 months early with 2 feet of snow. But nothing compared to New Jersey and New York. Sandy and storm Doe took their party to Atlantic City...guess you can't blame them. But it brought the jersey shore to it's knees..and may never be the same again. Here's the question people keep this a new normal? Are superstorms an annual occurance now? Maybe it time to move to the mountains.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

On a lighter note

I need to lighten things up. Sandy will not bring me down. We have introduced some new cast of characters in our little off the beaten path library. There is a gentleman who now arrives daily with his dog. He wears a head of shocking red hair, about 55-60 years old and a real talker. About nothing. And the more he has had to drink, the more he talks. We now have a code word to help staff escape his diatribe...Friday it was about his car he bought and only having one key. And how he told the car dealership they WERE going to give him another key. Because he will picket with his friends and tell everyone not to buy cars from them. He finally realized no one was listening to him, or maybe he realized no one was at the desk anymore. He finally shut up.
Our illustrious sit down man was back in full form also. He yelled across the library for some assistance. I walked over and he handed me a piece of notebook paper that read " Do your kids ride your bikes on Mountain road."

"Can you post this?"
"Ah....what is this?"
"I want to know who is riding their bikes on Mountain Road."
Me: "Not sure what you are getting at..did you have an incident on Mountain Road?"
"No. I want parents to tell you if their kids are riding their bikes on Mountain Road. it's dangerous and they need to know."
"I don't believe the library can be responsible for parental guidance with bike riding, but we appreciate your concerns".

never mind you have been put in jail twice for pushing kids OFF bicycles.

pending doom

It is the calm before the cyclone. Hurricane Sandy is expected to arrive sometime tomorrow and hang around for 48 hours. I expect to lose power and hope nothing else. I have given some thought about getting out of dodge. Hurricanes make me very nervous. I lived on the Bay during Agnes and have no good memories of that experience. Trees down, power outages, massive debris in the bay, vicious lightning. And then there was Isabel

These are pics of our backyard. The water came about 15 feet from our back door. I was up checking water levels all night as Alan slept. Our neighbor was not so lucky from the what you can see in the picture.

Last year was Irene. Seems these are occuring more often. And this one is affecting a third of the country. I hope our 100 year old trees stand up to Sandy and the waters only slosh a foot. Maybe its time to move inland.

Friday, October 19, 2012

chickens and binders of women

You random is this? Well, you are right. It just so happens to be the hot topics of the week.
Alan has had his dream come true of owning poultry again. Much to the dismay of most members of the family. Except for Andrew, who is all about anything alive and unusual. After all, it isn't everyday you find chickens living under your deck steps in suburbia. I held out for as long as I could..I had visions of them living in the basement, lots of cock a doodling, and general bird stupidity. Well, I was right on one count. They do not live in the basement, rather a large chicken palace under the deck steps protected by the elements, foxes, snakes, hawks...just about every predator known to man. To them it is a palace..they have a roosting perch (chickens really do just sit on a two inch piece of wood and....well, they poop, thats just about it), plenty of laying mash (what the hell is that you ask? It is corn mash food that encourages laying eggs. Does it have a magical drug in it?), and bits of oyster shell to snack on (yeah..I know...I asked as well. it helps with the creation of the egg shell. DO they have oyster shell for Idaho chickens?). When they are tired of perching (Alan was quite concerned they were not doing this, so he had to show them), they hop down, eat, poop, drink, eat, poop....u get the idea.
We have 2 hens, so no noise. Roosters are the noisy ones and very protective of their harem. And we don't need no stinkin roosters for eggs. IF THEY ever get around to laying some. No names have been assigned..Oprah Henfrey, Hennifer Anniston, Mother Clucker were discussed. I like Hensel and Gretel. Gretel has a crooked toe-perhaps a hinderance in her perching ability. Now the stupid part..well, lets just say we have had them for a week and I have yet to see an egg. Despite the fact that ALan put a lacrosse ball in the nest to be sure they knew what the nest was for.
Speaking of stupidity, we had another round of presidential debates and Romney shared a doozey. The question came up about equal pay for women and he responded with a long passage of wanting to hire more women for his cabinet in Mass. and was given a binderful of women to choose from. I might also add that the thing most women need, according to Mitt, is flex time, so they can get home to their families and cook dinner. AMazon reviews of binders were quite witty..after all, how fair is it if you order binders and no women were included?
So, as the chicken saga continues, I will keep all of you posted. I have to thank Alan for giving me material for my blog. And after hearing about my brother's dog Ellie bringing him live chickens from the next door neighbor as he was reading the paper in BED, Lucy is keeping her distance.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

End of an era

We had the death of a long time member of the family auto fleet this week. Not that we have a plethera of autos, but this particular one has been in the family for 13 years. This is what happens when you hold onto your cars for years and years-they represent the passage of time and the events that go with it. I had my very first real car in 1989-it was a 1988 toyota camry. I loved that car and drove it until the rust took over and reached 250,000 miles.
This week, our 1997 toyota 4runner has been sent to car heaven. Andrew rolled it a 360 and fortunately was ok. It held him in place. We have had that car for 13 years. I drove it when I was pregnant with Maddie. It took us to all our family vacations to the outer banks. Andrew was delivered to college for the very first time, where I promptly drove to my best friend marcia's to cry, eat chocolate, and drink wine.
We've hauled wood, new furniture, old furniture, my grandfather clock to try and have it fixed, and beach chairs. Andrew learned how to drive with that car. And my only accident ever was in the 4runner. I was driving my mother in law up to stay with us when a woman crossed over in my path and I hit her. Alan had a problem with a tractor trailer, that decided the make a left turn and run over the car. Forunately, no one was hurt. And it seems the good karma that truck gave us lasted to the bitter end-as Andrew walked away with nothing more than a bruise and sore wrist.
It's difficult not to be a bit sad to see them go.

Monday, October 1, 2012

what a weekend

There's alot to be happy about about. No, not being my cynical self. The orioles have clinched a playoff spot in baseball. The Ravens are 3-1. And I just spent a glorious weekend at the beach renewing my spirit and mind with women folk. We spent time on the beach and Bootsie, as she always does, had a spread of food fit for royalty. Crab salad, shrimp salad, thai noodles, various cookies and brownies, coconut cake, lasagna, flounder and crab imperial..just to name a few things. I must also pay homage to Don (her hubby), who's addiction involves owning a movie theater popcorn popper. He made copious amounts of popcorn-probably enough for an entire theater. I sampled a new cocktail this weekend..a cherry lane. It was quite good, despite the 13 dollar price tag in Berlin MD.

What all of us seemed to have in common was the fact that we have known each other for over 30 years. And we know each other this long because of Julie. (Except for Marcia, who came into my life when she was 16.) She is the cement that keeps friendships for many years. I am so grateful for that because I love all these women and can't imagine not having them in my life. Julie was a topic of conversation alot this weekend, especially how much we wished she was there with us. I know she was in spirit-unless all of her spirit was focused on the Orioles this weekend. Go ahead.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

fall weather

Good lord, I have been neglectful. The weather has been so glorious that I am trying to take advantage and spend as much time outdoors as possible. Not jogging or tennis mind you, but fun stuff.
Orioles continue to be in the hunt and I have popped over for a game when my schedule allows. Last week, I attended with the extended family of Tim and the matron of the family. It was a picture perfect day of blue skies and 70 degree temps. We bought cheap seats, then took advantage of my friend Bill's offer to seat us on club level behind home plate. I was planning on an afternoon game-turned into a 5 and a half hour game, 12 innings. But a win just the same. Now I am hungry for a division win, not a wild card spot. That means the Yankees would have to falter. Hahaha...
This past weekend, I spent Sunday with Andrew,the mother, and Andrew's friend patrick for a day of pub crawling and watching short films. This was meant to give us a taste of the Annapolis Film Fest in March of 2013. Scrumptious food-grilled cheddar with fiji apple, tomato basil soup, pulled pork sandwiches, flatbread pizzas, black bean salsa and cocktails of course. We had a great sangria and an interesting drink made of cucumber juice, elderberry liquor, and citrus vodka. Our favorite films:
Vacuum Cleaner kid: A 12 year old with a collection of 160 vacuums. And he loves to use them.
All Consuming Love (Man in a cat): One of the weirdest short films I have ever seen.
Harry Grows Up: The story of love and how hard it is to find in New York, especially when you are an 18 month old.

Suppport the films...check out the film fest in March of 2013.

Beach is calling me this weekend. Well, maybe its the Wine Festival that is at the beach. Either way, time to partake in my 2 favorite things.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

another library chapter

It is yet another saga in library land...

At 1:25 p.m., regular patron Richard Miller asked me to call an ambulance for him because he was having symptoms of a TIA. When I spoke to the ambulance dispatcher and gave him Mr. Miller's name, he immediately knew who he was. Paramedics arrived around 1:32 p.m. As the first paramedic entered the building, I introduced myself and he said "Is it our friend?" The paramedics spoke with Mr. Miller and he left on a stretcher.

We have also called an ambulance for Mr. Miller on 8/25, 8/23, 8/16, 7/30, 7/24, 6/12, and 3/24 of this year

Maybe staff need to stop beating up our patrons.

Patron Mr Salerno entered the building Thursday Aug 23 (6:15PM) with a small energetic dog on a leash. He went immediately to the Hold shelf. Alyssa approached him and explained that non service dogs are not allowed in the building. He replied that it was okay he'd be out in a minute. He then went with the dog to the Circulation desk to check out his books. He started to argue with Alyssa when I told him that he needed to take the dog outside before he checked his books out. He left (without his books) saying his wife would kill him if he left the dog outside.

About an hour later Mr Salerno came back to the branch without the dog; checked out his items and approached me at the information desk.

He asked, 'to see where it says no dogs in the library because I've been bringing my dog into the library for three years and there's no sign or anything'. He very patiently waited while I found the line in the P & P that states,

"According to AACPL Rules and Regulations, "Only animals assisting people with disabilities are allowed in the building."

He wanted me to know that he has brought his dog in here for three years and we needed to get a sign up right away. I told him I would pass his suggestion on to the branch manager.

I have seen parrots, rabbits, squirrels, ferrets..they all have visited the library. Maybe we need to be more inclusive with our list of animals.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Orioles magic

I woke up this morning to find the Orioles have just tied with the Yankees for first place in the American league east in SEPTEMBER. I thought I might want to capture this moment in case it is dashed in the coming final weeks of baseball, but boy, I sure am enjoying the ride. I am never thinking about baseball in September. It's all about football and the hope that the O's don't finish in the cellar. Well, not the case this year and I think more than one sportscaster is scratching his head.
We just finished series victories over the Yankees and the AL Central-leading Chicago White Sox. We are battling positions with the Rays, where in that series they only scored 2 runs in 3 games. HOW is that possible? WHEN have we talked about good pitching? Oh I remember, 14 years ago-when Seinfeld was in its last season. When Maddie was under a year old. And my phone wasn't smarter then me. In any case, let the magic begin. Or, at least, let it carry us into playoffs. Cause I haven't been this excited about baseball since Eddie Murray and Jim Palmer days.

Monday, August 27, 2012

a step into history

As I mentioned last week, my mother, brother Nick, and I took a road trip to Smith Island this past Saturday. We arrived on a cloudy Saturday morning, with periods of rain, to the small eastern shore town of Crisfield. There is not much activity that morning, other than various folks roaming around the docking area waiting for the boat to Smith Island. There is one boat over, as well as a mail bost, that travels the 40 minutes ride to Smith. In the winter, it is only the mail boat.
We are in high spirits as we board Captain larry's boat, no more than about 22 feet long. We are boarded with a group of 'older' women-probably late 60's, early 70's from hagerstown. They have been friends for about 40+ years, some with some physical handicaps but great spirit-until we got out in open waters. Dur to weather, the chop was 2-3 feet and if you don't have your sea legs, it can be a bit..unnerving. Fortunately, no one was sick.
We pulled in and the skies opened up so we made a quick dash to the Bay Cafe, where we feasted on crab cakes and peppered the fresh out of high school waitress questions about island life. They attend school until 6th grade on the island (population around 300) and then they ferried to the mainland for middle and high school. This is fine, except in the winter-and if you play sports, you simply spend the night in Crisfield. We asked if plans to return to the island after college-said she loved it here and people here 'are content'. Sums it up nicelt.
Dry liquor anywhere..must bring your own. No police department. But then again, everyone knows each other and if you were to arrive by boat, getting away with murder might be very difficult.
It is also the best place to find artifacts..native american peices, spanish gold coins, sharks teeth. The Island has been inhabited since the 1600's and not much has been disturbed.
So, those same ladies of hagerstown decided Smith Island was not for them..don't you have a bowling alley? movie theater? roller skating rink? Sheesh..what do you all DO??!! Natives were polite: crab, swim, water ski, read, and simply set a spell on the porch and talk. Wow..there's a novel idea...

Thursday, August 23, 2012

library phone call

At the information desk today and the phone rings. it is a fairly quiet afternoon:

Customer: "Hi, I would like to know if you have a book."
Me: "okay, what is it?"
Customer: "Fahrenheit"
Me: "Fahrenheit? You mean Fahrenheit 451?"
C: "I guess so. My son asked me to call and get it. It is for Honors English 10th grade."
Me: No copies available, but I can order it."
C: will he have it by tomorrow?
Me: No.
C: Well, do you have the list of the books they have to read? And could you check the titles and tell me if you have any of them?"

Now I will interject and say this is Thursday. The book needs to be read by Monday. And now, I need to find the list AND look and see if we have any titles.

Me: I do have one copy of Handmaid's Tale.
C: OK I will be in the pick it up.

She arrives an hour later and goes to check the book out. Unfortunately, her son has a book out from LAST summer's assignment that was never returned and the book is considered lost. Her daughter tells her mom the overdue book is sitting in his room(looks like for a year). She leaves, without the book. But promises to be back with the overdue book. We explain it will be a 10.00 fine once she returns it. "WHAT FOR?" Well, because you are returning the book a year later.
Makes me more grateful for my daughter....

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

bucket lists

Its hard to say when you should start thinking about your bucket list and how far along you might want to get with it. Fortunately, my list is kinda short at the moment and fairly easy to obtain. I don't have things on it like climb Mt. Everest, walk the entire Appalachain Trail, bungee jump over the Grand Canyon. In fact, I can pretty much eliminate anything involved heights over 5 feet. i actually did entertain a jump out of an airplane at one point (probably around the time I got a tattoo and bought a sports car), but I am lucky I can climb escalators without a panic attack. I'm sticking to less adventurous things...
This weekend, I am making a trek to Smith Island. It does involve an entire day, as the ferries only run twice a day. I am going to eat a crab cake. That might be it. Well, maybe some Smith Island cake.
Over labor Day weekend, I am going to rustle up some folks and hit the rodeo. Yes, Maryland has a rodeo. COmplete with barrel races, bulls, and clowns. Its the big buckle ceremony that weekend. Whatever the hell that means. I have no rodeo garb however. Think thats required?
I have also wanted to attend a college football game..which you would think is an easy task, having Maryland University with an hour of where I live. But no, I am going to South Carolina to see a game against Clemson, with some of my favorite relatives. This is a maybe plan-as said relatives are just moving to the area and still getting things together. There's always spring and a college lacrosse game I suppose. Just not the same.
So people, get your bucket list together. And be sure you make the effort to cross some things off. Even if its just to read Anna Karenina.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

celebrations with young adults

Okay, this is going to serve as a reminder to me not to ever plan a surprize party when it involves young adults in their early 20's...
Andrew turned 21 this past weekend, so about a month ago, I began to plan a party for him as a surprize. The good news was the word did get out to those who needed to know. Bad news was I was never really clear as to who was coming. Instructions were to keep it a secret and to bring a side dish or an appetizer, and arrive by 7 PM. I had a friend of Andrew's take him out and return him at 7 30.
So, since I asked for some dishes to arrive, I kept the food simple..a deli tray, a pasta dish, a green salad, and a fruit salad. At 7:10, we had 2 of Andrew's friends at the house. I asked one of those friends to make some calls and see where everyone is..being fashionalby late to a surprize party does not work. One friend called me at 7 15 and said they were 15 minutes away. Great. They were instructed to call when they got to our street.
Menawhile, I give brownie points to CHelsea, who arrived at 7 and brought popcorn. The other friend decided to call the person who was WITH Andrew and announce loudly that she was at his house. The other friends arrived minutes before Andrew, and parked next to the house.
So, needless to say, surprize was somewhat subdued. He recognized the truck and then knew something was up. He was surprized to see his friends from Northern VA. And in terms of side dishes and appetizers? Well, I did see someone bring s'mores. And a package of Chips Ahoy.
One more thing about food and alcohol intake..must you clean the house of all food and beverages? it is necessary to make a 3 AM sandwich with a 1/2 pound of lunch meat and leave 2 slices of swiss? Must you pour 1/2 cup of frangelica into your coffee cause the alcohol content is not so high? Are 20 somethings simply oblivious or have adopted the attitude that all adults are wealthy and can afford all the stuff they can't?
And while I am at it, if I housed you, fed you, gave you a delicious breakfast complete with bloody marys, mimosas, and coffee drinks, could I hear a thank you?
I've said my peace...

Friday, August 3, 2012

library news

Now, this is an interesting report coming from one of our libraries:

"Shortly before seven o'clock I took a call from a male patron that was unique to me. He asked if we were the branch located on West Street. He then went on to say that a woman with red hair and lots of tattoos had been using our computers to solicit sex. He said he thinks she stole money from him. I interrupted him and asked if he would mind speaking to our PIC- he said yes. I told Cameron the story very quickly but he hung up before she could get on the line."

Today I was on the desk and the man who spoke with Suzanne came in and said he needed to speak privately with me about something. I sat with him at the tables in our reference area and he repeated the concern about a woman using our computers for prostitution. He said that it wasn't right because this is a county building. He added that he knew she was doing this because "we've been checking her email and we know that is what she's doing." He also said he thought from the conversation last night that we would make sure that this wouldn't happen in the library anymore.

I responded to this to tell him about the scope of the library's filter, and to clarify that library staff do not monitor private communications of patrons. I suggested that he contact the police, especially since he had mentioned that she may have stolen from him. He was nervous about contacting the police and asked me what they would do--I said that I didn't know exactly, but they were definitely a better resource for his concerns. I gave him Gloria's card in case he (or the Police) needed to follow up. I asked him for his name and contact but he wanted to stay anonymous. He seemed anxious about staying in the library any longer, saying "I can't let her know I was here" and "I'm asking you to not tell her that I did this." He said he had to go because he is a cab driver. His description: white, middle aged, slim build, has red hair and lots of tattoos.

Perhaps he has a duel personality? And he is soliciting sex with himself?

Tuesday, July 31, 2012


It's been beastly hot this summer and what better way to handle it than the summer olympics. Have to say, I find myself a bit obsessed about it. I am watching noon and night. I even streamlined the field hockey game at work. I am like a junkie. But I suppose its better than being a herion junkie..

Men's gymnastics team had high hopes for a medal and it was dashed with a very sloppy performance. They were falling all over the place. Chinese, in their usual fashion, were stellar and took gold for like the 6th olympics in a row. Speaking of Chinese, there is a 16 year old Chinese girl swimmer who is swimming faster than men. And she improved her speed by 7 seconds in the last year. Hmmm.....unusual?

Micheal Phelps mighta smoked a little too much pot off season..not a stellar perfomance yet. His big race is tonight.

Happy moments..Canadians made it to the podium with a bronze in team gymnastics. First time since 1912! And winner of the men'd road race was a 38 year old man who is ending his olympic career...on a very high note.

Let the games continue...

Friday, July 27, 2012

library news

And the library sagas continue....

About 12:15 PM, Nicholas and Jason (both 11 years old) notified me that there were two birds in the lobby. Both birds were in fine shape; one was desperately trying to fly out (succeeding only in knocking himself into the windows), the other was sitting peacefully on the floor by the bookdrop (perhaps pondering whether she wanted to buy some sale materials).

With the help of my two assistant ornithologists, I managed to secure the strays (one at a time) in a sweater and release them to much-appreciated freedom. Before they departed, both were heard to say "cheep cheep."

I made the boys certificates proclaiming them Great Bird Rescuers. After some consideration, they asked if I could post the certificates in the branch. They now hang in pride on our Wall of Dreams.

This person has been banned from the library for a year...

Ann Marie S., currently banned from all AACPL libraries, approached Gloria, ANN branch manager, at Westfield Town Center Annapolis (Annapolis Mall) Friday, June 29, about 7pm. Ms. Harberts told Ms. S to stay away or she would call Security. Ms. S repeated "You do that, you do that" several times but did not walk away, continuing to speak with Ms. Harberts. Ms. Harberts did call Mall security and the Anne Arundel County Police; they both came. Mall security told Ms. Harberts that they were quite familiar with Ms. S.

In a snapshot of little mountain Road...we had family number one, who consists of a 4 year old and his mom, who spends 7 hours on facebook and requires her little one to entertain himself for the entire day.

patron number 2 (a regular), called us to ask if we knew any mexicans who could come to her house on Gibson island to do yard work because "those people don't get poison sumac and poison ivy". We politely declined to help her-she wanted us to post an ad specifically requested latino men. She has come in and asked for help before-at that time, she simply wanted young men to come do her yardwork. She has now decided Latino men are her style.

We got new computers in this week....our infamous Mr. Gregg (who requres chairs at all time) is in a complete dizzy over the changes...he just left the information desk for the 5th time. Granted, he was kneeling.

Saturday, July 21, 2012


After our unsuccessful moose hunt, we made a car trip up mt. Washington before heading to maine. Now I know I have issues with heights, but this was by far the most difficult. it wasn't as high as the Rockies, but sections of the roads are dirt and very narrow. Even my half Valium made no difference in my stress levels. Top of the mountain was amazing, yet cold. Wind chills of 27. And we met a number of Appalachian Trail hikers coming to the end of the trek from Georgia. Needless to say, i sat in the back of the car, eyes closed until we reached the bottom.

We took scenic Route 2 into Maine, which was beautiful. Arrived in Bar Harbor and immediately seeked out lobster. They were quite delicious, yet the tails were a bit tough. Maybe overcooked? Marcia joined us with Pepper, who looked a little worn out from travelling for a month. She was camping and fighting the mosquitoes. i was happy to return to my comfy hotel.

Acadia national Park is the place to go..overlooks the ocean and Bar Harbor. We did a nature boat ride, which was greatwe saw many Bald Eagles and seals. Not too crazy about the tour guide..see,s he didn't really have a happy outlook of tourists unless you had you wallet out.

We left Bar Harbor and headed down to Boothbay Harbor, which I love. Quaint, sweet, and great clam chowder. Maddie and Alan did a kayak ride while Andrew and I looked for much needed coffee. Too bad winter last 9 months p there..I would live there.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

moose hunting

We returned to the US of A and made a stop in Gotham New Hampshire. It is a charming New England town consisting of pretty much nothing. It is the gateway to the auto road up Mt. Washington. We looked for a movie theater-no luck unless we travelled to Berlin Maine.
After dinner we decided it was te to find a moose. I was not too keen on the idea but the boys were determined. They inquirer at dinner-after all wait staff have seen many a moose in their lifetimes. Off we gp to the obvious location -Moose Brook State Park. We cruised down darkened roads eyes peeled for a bullwinkle citing. No luck which was ok with me. I have no desire to have a close encounter with a bull moose. Maybe we will see one walking thru Bar Harbor like we see in Northern Exposure.
Before we left New Hampshire, we climbed Mt Washington. The infamous auto road. I prepared myself by popping a valium beforehand. Not much help. Sheer drops with no guardrails and barely enough room for 2 cars. Once at the top it was breathtaking beautiful. And a chilly 27 degrees with the wind chill factor. Winds gusts were close to 50 mph. Just to add to my stress. The return trip was better. I sat in the back with my eyes closed. The kids want to know why I keep doing this. California, the Rockies, Sequioa. This remains a mystery.

We are currently in Bar Harbor facing a stellar day of 70 degrees. I simply cant wait until I climb Acadia National park.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

vermont and crossing the border

As reported in my last post, our first order of business was Ben and Jerry's. But first, to honor a beautiful morning we had a true Vermont breakfast on the patio overlooking the mountains. And it lived up to its reputation. Fresh eggs,Vermont cheddar,Maine blueberries and Vermont maple syrup.
Ben and Jerry's is a very busy place. They were not making ice cream but tours went on,with a free sample of a special flavor. It was interesting but getting too commercial. Off to the Cabot's cheese annex for samples before we headed to Montreal.
have to say, the hotel was not a stellar one. It looked neglected and a bit shabby. And quite a complicated distance to Montreal. It did have a nice pool however.
a visit to old Montreal was sweet. That shows the true character of the city. We made a pit stop to the biosphere, which was created for the 69 exp.
We left this morning for new Hampshire after a pit stop to the Cabot cheese factory and lunch. The weather was incredible and we took scenic roads. It was a picture perfect new England day. 72 degrees, blue skies. Now I know why I love this part of the world.

Saturday, July 7, 2012


We wandered north and made our first pitstop in a tiny town called Milford, New Hampshire. I met a wonderful woman on my hiking retreat last year and she owns a gift shop in the center of town. We surprised her with a visit before heading over to the library to get more directions, which has been the vain of our existence. Next stop was the longest covered bridge in the United States. My family was overexcited to visit such a wondrous site. Not. Then we headed north to the King Arthur Flour Company much to the shagrin of cynical Andrew and Alan who viewed King Arthur Flour as a bouchois tourist trap. We finally headed two hours north to Stowe, Vermont. It's a charming ski resort with quaint churches and ski resorts dating back a number of years. We had dinner at Gracie's, where the theme was dogs, dogs, dogs. Apparently Gracie was the owner's beloved dog and they dedicated the restaurant to her. There were dog curtains, pictures of dogs, and actual dogs on the patio. We actually missed Lucy. Next stop: Ben & Jerry's and Cabot cheese. A dairy extraveganza.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

new england bound

We have hit the northern route yesterday and arrived in Boston. We stayed in Cambridge.which is so charming. MIT was right up the street and we had to smile when we observed a fraternity house with a blow up pool right on the city street with 8 or 9 students soaking and smoking a hookah. Oh those techie nerds.
After a 20 minute walk down to the harbor to see the blue angels.we spent the rest of the day reading and resting before the big 4th event. We got there early and found a great spot. Until lightening started and they postponed. Finally at 10 30 they started~just as the rain poured down. Have to say~they were epic. 3D fireworks. Really.
Off to Stowe and then Montreal. Maddie better brush up on her French.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

baseball and vacation

Happy July everyone!  It has been a hot one in these parts, but we have managed to sandwich in a couple of baseball games in the cooler weather.  I have to say, I have started fresh this year with my enthusiasm.  They have played well, until the last couple of weeks. Maddie and I attended a game against the Phillies in the early part of June.  We were able to see it  from the sky box (free food and liquor) and a win in the 12th inning.  What more could you ask for? Maybe less Philly fans...
We returned just last week against the Angels.  This time my good neighbor Bill invited us up to the field box seats..not as nice, but pretty awesome just the same.  Right behind home plate.  But we took a massive beating..13-1. Looks like we are in a decline.  So, in conclusion,l I will continue to attend my beloved Oriole games as long as I have prime seats and catered food.  It makes those losses a little easier to bear and the wins all more special.  And hell, I've been an O's fan for 30 plus years..I should have some perks by now.  Ones I don't have to pay for.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

hell raisers

I had a sad blast from my past last week when a brother of a good friend died suddenly this past week.  He was 51, the same age my brother Chris would have been if he was still with us.  I attended the memorial service for him and stepped back to my middle and high school years and we recanted the stories of our checkered past.  See, parental supervision during that time in history was non existent, or at least minimal.  We had no set curfews, restrictions, or cell phones to check in.  Steve's oldest brother was the one with the drivers license.  He has access to a fleet of cars his father had in Baltimore..he simply went to visit his dad and selected the choice of the week.  For a while it was a Buick Electra 225 (thanks to Bob for remembering this-think Bob had a thing about cars)...  Hell was raised in that thing..we used to steal 30 watermelons and pile them into the car..then sell them the next day or perhaps throw a few from a fast moving car...
Then Bunky showed up one day in a hearse.  Not unusual..his father was a funeral director and this was a model he wasn't using anymore.  I will just say you sure can fit alot of teens into the back of one of those things, as long as you weren't too creeped out.
I heard recanted stories of my brothers lives after I moved out.  Perhaps stories I didn't want to know.  I had no idea they were hitchhiking to Ocean City at the age of 12.  And that someone stopped to pick them up and only agreed to take my brother Nick and come back for the rest.  Fortunately, Steve, the one we have lost, had enough common sense to put a stop to that.  Chris and Steve hitched to Ocean City often.  And there were times where someone sensibly went to pick them a 2 seater.  4 teens in a sports 2 AM.  Yep, stories I may not want to know.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

yet another day in the library....

We wear many hats.....
At approximately 3:00 Ms. Miller reported to me that there was a Solo Cup sitting on the grate by the entrance with a suspicious liquid in it. I walked over and the red solo cup was filled to the brim with a yellow foamy liquid...either urine or beer.  I put on gloves and took it into the bathroom to dispose of it.  The smell indicated it was beer.  I poured it down the toilet and threw the Solo cup into the trash.
A few minutes later patron Anthony  checked out his items and asked the circ staff what had happened to his cup.  They told him it had been disposed of, as alcoholic beverages were not allowed in the library. Mr Pastor became very upset and I was asked to come out and speak to him.  I reiterated that alcoholic beverages were not allowed in the library and neither were uncovered cups.  He asked for his cup back and I told him that it had been disposed of.  He got very belligerent with me at this point and said that the cup contained "near beer" and that it was my responsibility to go to the liquor store and replace it.  I informed him that I have no way of telling if something is "near" or "real" beer and that it was still an uncovered container in the library.  At this point he started yelling at me directly, said "Fuck You" and I asked him to leave.  He refused to leave and Don dialed 911.  he kept disputing the rules and I asked Leslie to print a copy of the library Rules and Regulations for him.  I told Mr Pastor I would highlight the rules he had broken and he needed to leave.
Mr Pastor said "You can highlight my ass!" and left.  A few minutes later Officer Connor responded.  He had seen Mr Pastor walking down the street and asked if we wanted him brought back to the library.  We said no.  Officer Connor left to speak with him.
This is (at least) our second alcohol related incident with Mr. Pastor.    At his next incident he should be asked to leave for 1 week.  I do believe he was drunk today, but not nearly as badly as the previous incident.

I love BPK library...
Regular patron Mr. Bowen  (known to staff as "The General") came into BPK about 1:00 today.  I had seen him before at the branch but (deliberately) did not engage with him.  He asked Meg who I was and I shook his hand.
He started talking nonsensically about staff members in what I perceived to be a derogatory fashion.  I asked him several times if there was something I could help him find, because I did not want to take the bait.  He found this offensive and rattled off his war credentials and number of medals and asked me what kind of military background I had (once again trying to bait me).  I asked him if there was something I could help him find.
He said something about the staff using the word n*****, which I said I had never used in my life.  He said other staff did and he could read lips and that they used the word often.
At this point he said the word "faggot" loudly (I cannot remember in what context) and I told him that word was inappropriate for use in the library.  He then said it was a British word for cigarette and kept repeating it loudly over and over.  Patrons were staring, and custodian Dave Moore came to stand by me at the desk.  I asked Mr. Bowen to leave.  He did, but very slowly and making loud conversations with cornered patrons along the way.
After he did leave, a female patron reported that he was yelling at an African American man outside as he left the property.  By the time I got to the window, the African American man was gone and Mr. Bowen was nearly off the property.
Mr Bowen is a long time patron and known to be argumentative, and sometimes verbally abusive to staff.  We do believe he is mentally unstable.  He has asked several times where Natalie Edington went and though was told she was promoted seems to think he got her fired.  He also believes he is related to Chief of HR Ms. Bowen and shares this with every staff member he meets.

Please....get a room.
At about 7:30 pm Peter saw Mr. Wrenn, at Public PC #8, viewing pornography.   Peter told him to take the site down and told him that viewing pornography meant immediate expulsion from the library. 

The patron complied but then commented that he didn’t appreciate staff members taking photos of him.   When Peter asked him for details, he said that this has happened at least 10 times.  Peter asked if he could point out any of the staff members who had done this.  Mr. Wrenn could not.  Peter asked what the staff members were using to take the photos.  Mr. Wrenn said that they were using cell phones and cameras.  Mr. Wrenn said that other patrons also take pictures of him, and he described a patron who had been sitting at a nearby table earlier that night.  Mr. Wrenn said that he didn’t mind posing for photos with people, but he didn’t like people taking photos of him without his permission.  He said he had been considering calling the police about it.  Peter asked him if he wanted to call the police and offered to place the call.  Mr. Wrenn declined the offer.   Peter said that if Mr. Wrenn ever saw someone taking his photo, he should report it to a staff member right away. 

Mr. Wrenn left the building shortly after this.   Peter’s warning to Mr. Wrenn was the first verbal warning about viewing pornography.   We’ll instigate the formal banning procedures if there is a second violation.

One of our teenage pages added that Mr. Wrenn had been staring at her while she shelved nearby.   She said she took her cell phone out of her pocket a few times to check the time, which Mr. Wrenn might have observed.   She added that on an earlier occasion Mr. Wrenn had engaged another teenage page in conversation.   She said that she and the other page both find him “creepy.”   Another staff member observed that Mr. Wrenn seems to be “scoping things out” when he is in the building and paying undue attention to females.

In a case search of the District Court, we found that Mr. Wrenn was charged in December 2011 with first degree assault, second degree assault, and reckless endangerment.  His case has not yet gone to trial.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

fathers day

It is a day to remember dear dad.  He has been gone for about 20+ years...and I think of him often.  He had an acerbic sense of humor appreciated by most.  He was a good time guy..always looking for fun and adventure.  My mother just mentioned one of his life can judge how good of a time you had the night before by how dirty your glasses are.
He taught the art of library conference attendance.  You simply stick your head in the door..listen to a couple of sentences and quickly head to the nearest bar.  Maybe that's why I followed his footsteps...
He went with the flow.  When he brought his kids up to New York to see the tall ships for the bicentennial, they never seemed to find the location as to where they were stationed.  Answer: step into a bar and watch on TV.
I do remember some scary moments with his party habits. We used to go to my aunt's for dinner and drinks-she lived on top of a winding mountain road. Which was not scary going up. It was a little terrifying at the end of the evening after a half bottle of scotch.
We spent our vacations on Okracoke Island, where we spent most hours  beaching it and watching my parents have cocktails.  We travelled in a volkswagon bug-all six of us and the dog and cat.  It looked like a circus car when we stopped for gas.
I do admire his professional accolades.  He was very successful in public libraries and served as president of the New Jersey Library Association (another fond memory of a library conference).  He instilled the concept of how important it is to stay in touch with your public even as a director.  He worked on the information desk a couple of times a month just to be in touch with the meat and potatoes of his business.
I do miss him. And wish my kids could have met him.  I would toast him with a scotch and soda, but my my drink of choice....

Friday, June 8, 2012

Library News....

A reference question:

Yesterday a young 6-year-old boy and his mom asked for the book "Between the Covers." When I looked up the book, the only book with this title in the catalog was "Between the Covers: the Book Babe's Guide to a Woman's Reading Pleasures."  The boy said he saw the title in the library. When the mom asked him to show us where he took us to the display case where we have an SRC display. He pointed to the SRC poster with Frankenstein  and Scarlett O'Hara each in bed reading a book. Mom suggested son get another book.

We do everything to make you feel at home....
A lady patron reported there was a woman with her pants off drying herself with the hand dryer in the women's room. The patron was too embarrassed to enter the room when someone had their clothes off. I took Colleen with me. When we got inside the room, Cheryl  was in the handicapped stall-with the door wide open--pulling her pants on. I told her that it was inappropriate for her to stand in the public rest room without clothing on. She said she was drying a spot on her pants. i repeated that she could not walk around the public restroom without clothing. She said ok but later came to the desk to say that I shouldn't say anything to her because other people had left the bathroom dirty and some people take books into the bathroom. I told her that if the room was dirty, she was welcome to report it to us, but that I wasn't talking about anyone else's behavior but hers. I stated that should her having her clothes off be reported to us again, I would ban her from the branch.

Not only do we take 50 year old encyclopedias from your basement...
On 3 recent occasions a patron  has put old books and trash in our book drop.  Some of the trash included old dirty sports bags, dirty plastic bags with recipes in them, exercise rubber bands, toys, old travel brochures,and ancient magazines and binders from old conferences with  Judith's name and address on them. When  Judith came to the back door to donate books she spoke with Mary . Judith told Mary that she was moving to Glen Burnie and getting rid of stuff. After looking at the items in her trunk Mary told her why we couldn't accept the items and gave her the donations guidelines.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

ying and yang of technology

I know technology is here and I do embrace it almost all the time.Believe me, I am the first to get excited about new strides. I am probably in need of an intervention for Angry Birds.  Our library will be the recipient ofall new PC's, software, and the newest printers. This is all good, until we have a problem.  I realized I am not able to send pics thru email from my blackberry. SO, I am forced to call my provider.  Conversation goes like this:
ATT: Have you downloaded the most recent handheld software from your blackberry desktop manager?
ME: What? I understand none of that.
ATT: I will send you an email on how to do this. After you download the desktop manager on your computer, you will need to back up you handheld and then upgrade your software.
ME: many emails am I looking for?
ATT: I am sending you 6 emails with instructions.
ME: This sound like hours of work. On something I have no understanding of.
ATT: It is about 2 hours of your time.  We will call you with a follow up to see how it went.
ME: Maybe you should call me in about 6 months...when I can devote 2 hours of my time on something I really don't care about or understand.

I think i will just forgo sending pics. After all, my device is a year old and it will soon be non functional and I will be forced to buy an upgrade.
And the guy in the cartoon has the right idea...however, passwords change just as soon as you have remembered them.  And you can't use the previous 3 to reset them.  Angry Birds require no passwords or upgrades.  And neither does Scrabble.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

summer approaches!

Memorial Day kicked off the season with flair and fun.  I had a great visit with Julie, who continues to show spirit and adaptation. We took a ride to the national Arboratum, which of course we got a bit lost.  I believe Juls has the lost gene, as this happens quite often. 
Saturday, I headed to TImcon...which was a gaming weekend extravaganza. Have to admit, was a little leary about this. I pictured comstumes and role playing, but found instead, lots of game nerds and introductions to new board games.  I bought "Survive", which is all about getting to an island before Atlantis is blown up by a volcano or  you are eaten by sharks.  Ticket to Ride involves train tracks and points for the longest train.
We took in Dark Shadows with Johnny Depp. That's all you really need to say..Johnny Depp. Memorable quote:

Barnabas Collins (to members of a hippie commune): "Love means never having to say you're sorry. However, it is with sincere regret that I must now kill all of you."

Friends over for a cook out Monday..which was the large contigency of Katie and Bill.  4 kids 7 and younger.  God love em.

Here's to warm weather, beaches, and no responsiblities!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


I think it might be time to lightne things up.  I have been thinking alot about my favorite aunty and unclt bingo as of late. They are getting read y to move to a new chapter in their lives after retiring to Florida.  They have had enough of  nascar, spring break, and motorcycle packs that invade Daytona throughout the year.  Despite the fact that they live one block from the Atlantic ocean, that is a huge selling point.  In any case, their condo is on the market-probably one of millions in Florida. Beautiful place and reasonably priced if anyone is interested.
We have always had a close relationship, thanks to a close age difference.  I so envy them..they retired early-actually months after 9/11, which coulda easily been Bingo in that building.  They have no children to bleed their finances dry, just dogs who are treated like their children. 
There is quite a history of dog that have lived in the Carroll home.  There was the beautiful Husky, who was a bit cranky.  He would lay under the dining table and emit a low growl as you feet dangled below. Sometimes he simply nipped at them, just to remind you he was there.  My brother came for a visit once..somehow that husky cornered him in the room, away from the rest of the human pack.  Rumor has it, however, that my brother was pretending to limp.  Now what would you expect as the weak ones are always the first to be taken down?
Then there was Teddy.  Teddy never sat on a floor. He sat on your head. Or on the dining room table after it was set. Kitchen counters.  Your feet.  He had free reign of his domain.  He didn't seem interested in making enemies, but we were always instructed to enter the home and take a seat immediately and sit quietly for the first 20 minutes.  After the husky, I was sure to follow instructions.  Bandit joined Teddy-who was probably the most well behaved dog ever to enter the home.  We miss Bandit.  Sweet, calm, and never sat on your head.
There's a new addition-Chloe-a rescued greyhound.  I understand she is very gentle, quiet, and a little nervous, especially loud noises.  Hmm...sure racing had something to do with it.  She has been a good dog, but now is comfortable enough with her new owners to eat their shoes.  Good Chloe. Welcome to my world. Just don't ever bite the hand that feeds you.

Friday, May 11, 2012


I have been attending ALS support meetings for the past few months to support Julie and really, to support myself.  Last night's meeting was worth some commentary, as I left incredibly moved and awed, for a lack of a better word. Renda's husband just recently died..last month actually. He had battled ALS for 4 and a half years, with her at his side every step of the way.  Rhenda has always struck me as a strong, sensible, smart, and controlled woman-all the things I love in women. I often thought-don't piss her off cause she'll challenge you.  Certainly last night I saw a softer side of her, which is probably closer to who she is.  Whern you are thrown into a situation as she is-to care for someone you love, deal with the bureauocracy, handle your job-you simply step up. No choice.  And you kick some ass along the way to get what you need for your loved one. Because time is one thing no one has with this vile disease.
This led to an honest conversation os to whether the group leader should share information about the death of group memebers to other group members.  Tough call. I think the general concensus was it depends on what stage everyone is in at the time. I took a gander around the room at the caregivers and the ones they love and care for.  It's a mixed group of black and white, all ages, men and women. But there are more men caring for their women. And doing a damn good job.  I caught one wrapping a coat over his wife's shoulders who is wheelchair bound and then simply grabbed her hand and held it. Another took off to the bathroom with her, as she has no use of either arm. 
I look at Julie, who I admire most of all.  Who has always been sensitive to traumas of life and has stepped up and found the strength to deal with what's been given to her.  I am so grateful she has her sense of humor, her honesty, and her ability to make everyone elses' life issues her own, regardless of what's going on that day.  We had a great day of reminicing with my old room mate during my college years earlier in the week,when we were a bit wild at times.  She has a way of making you laugh at yourself which I find so enjoyable and fun. That's probably why she has so many close friends who love her dearly.  I can't leave out her family-they are an incredible support and a very tight group of siblings. 
I don't want to think about the future, but I am so grateful to have yesterday with Julie and the group. And everyone is doing great. That's all you can ask for.
Go ahead!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Quality Teen Time

I have been spending a great deal of time in the last reading aloud To Kill a Mockingbird with Maddie.  She thought she would understand it alot better if she hear it read out loud.  Nice for me as well since I haven't read it it in a very long time.

To round out the experience, we invited over a few other 9th graders to watch the great film.  here is a sampling of the conversation duting the film:

"Who is that guy?"

"He is a bad guy I think. Or it might be Mr. Radley."

"Are they going to SHOOT the dog?? Really?  I can't watch that! This is a terrible movie! Who shoots dogs?"
Maddie: "Court, the dog has rabies.  It will die anyway"

"That guy is innocent!! What's wrong with these people?'  She is SOOOO lying."

" I am sorry, I can't be scared that someone is following Scout ans Jem. She is dressed like a ham;"

"I think i'st Mr. Radley and Atticus fighting. No, it might be Boo. Or Mr. Radley and Boo. Where is the ham? "

"Oh God, that man behind the door freaked me out!"  That was scary. More scary than the ham being knocked down in the woods."

Okay...people listen up,,think they might explain why it's called To kill a Mockingbird.  Maybe Boo is a mockingbird, not a blue jay...

I lost the train if thought after that....

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Dog politics

As we embark on a new election year, my mind wandered to my visit to the dog park Sunday afternoon. It seems perhaps we humans could learn some lessons from man's best friend.  Dog parks bring all walks of life...big, little, black, white, asian, chinese, english...the only requirement is tolerance of others.  Dogs enter on equal footing..everyone is in charge and no one is in charge.
There is an initial greeting as new arrivals enter...a pack will usually wait patiently, and there's an exchange of butt sniffing before everyone decides it all okay.  No one is ostrasized-simply accepted as they pursue balls catching, playing, and running.
I have seen some attempts to aggressive mutts, and it seems most simply ignore them until they give up trying to control the situation.  They work it out with few squabbles. 
It seems to me humans might adopt a bit of tolerance for their fellow man...we would all be a much happier population. Go forth, sniff a bit, realize they are ok, and enjoy having them in your world. 

Monday, April 23, 2012

Reminiscing over Asheville

As we weather the speed bumps of life, I can't help but miss one of my favorite cities of Asheville NC. Andrew has taken a hiatus from Warren Wilson College and regrouping to get his degree finished. We spent a good deal of time in that charming city, where street musicians were common and restaurants used only locally grown produce. It is small, yet artsy and eclectic. It reminds me of a California hippie town in the south.
Maddie and I found ourselves in Asheville on a weekend where the Ravens were playing a in a playoff game. Against the Steelers no doubt. I prepared carefully...found a sports bar close to the hotel. The hotel, by the way (and not known to us) was 4 feet from the train tracks. Quite an eye opening experience at 3 AM. We wander into the one is in there. Okay..perhaps there's no football fans here. Bartender informs us the kitchen is closed and they are offering only alcohol. That won't do. So, now we have to scramble.
We head into Asheville, which is charming, but parking in challenging as in any city. Stress starts to set in as we comb the city for parking and dash to a bar we hope will have the game on. Luck is on our side..huge big screen. However, the live music is setting up in front of the screen. I have to thanks the owner of the bar..he politely asked the band to wait until the game was over so we (just maddie and I) could watch uninterrupted. It was a brutal loss...ahead by 20 points and we last in the last quarter. We headed straight to Appleby's for alcohol and chocolate.
I miss Laughing Seed Cafe, a vegan restaurant that's off the charts. I miss the art galleries. The music. The mountains. Perhaps when Bob abd Carol make their move to Greenville, I'll have another excuse to make a visit there.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

more fun

And here is the latest segment of incidents in your local library. I will add we cut security out of the budget 2 years ago-seems this needs to be funded again...

Monday, April 9-
In the bookdrop this morning staff found a dirty bra, a backpack and a large wad of chewed gum. The book that the gum stuck to had to be discarded.

At about 1730, __________ alerted me that she had learned from one of her staff, _________, that a patron in the fiction area had urinated while sitting on one of the chairs. I walked over to do a "book check" and fortunately, was unable to detect any odor coming from the area. The patron and older male was in the company of another person. He did not strike me as being inebriated Since the chair was already soiled and there was no notable odor I consulted with Peggy and we decided to simply wait until they left to retrieve the chair and spray it with disinfectant.

Peggy was able to remove the chair from the floor by about 1830 (I was monitoring Ask Us Now); I retrieved a cleaner from the custodial closet and sprayed it down. Tomorrow, I will consult with our building coordinator and we will decide whether or not to remove the chair from service. Being that it is wood and therefore porous, I despair for its future as anything other than spare parts.

Banned for Vodka in the Library

This afternoon we were keeping an eye on patron_____________, who was using PC #7. He seemed a bit intoxicated and we had already sent him out of the library once for intoxication and once for smoking in the lobby on other days. At 4:15 I was using the microfilm machine in the Quiet Room when Lois came to get me. She said that Mr. Marshall was drooling on his keyboard and she saw a bottle in his pocket. We approached him and I asked him if he'd been drinking. He gave me the thumbs up and said that he had. I told him that he needed to leave the library immediately. He gave me the thumbs up again, but had trouble standing. I asked he could use some assistance and he said yes. As I was on the phone with the police he staggered over to the men's room and then back to the computer. Lois checked behind him and found a vodka bottle in the hall by the men's room.

Officer Bouie and another officer responded. Mr. Marshall told them that he had not been drinking, but at that point he was swaying in his chair. I told Mr. Marshall that we were banning him for one month. He gave me the thumbs up again. The officers assisted him with his bags and helped him out of the building. They were going to drive him back to his hotel room where he is staying long term. They said that Mr. Marshall will probably be back tomorrow, and that we should call the police when we see him and they will arrest him for trespassing.

Domestic Dispute on Lawn

While doing foot patrol around 5:15, Security Officer Mike Shea observed a man and woman in a heated argument on the front lawn. They had a young son and daughter with them (perhaps ages 10 and 8). Mike noticed the situation becoming more tense and began watching to see if the man became physical. We were both observing the situation from the windows when regular patron Jordan C. (age 13) came over and said "Don't worry, those are my parents."

Don, Mike and I continued to observe, trying to be careful of Jordan. When Mr. C. leaned down and began grabbing and shoving Mrs. C., I did come in back and call 911. At about 5:25 the family began walking towards 11th Ave and once they had left sight (5:30) I called back to cancel the call. The police still wanted to come out, though. At about 5:35 Officer Wright reponded. We gave him a synopsis of what had occured and a description of the family. He left to see if he could find them.

Monday, April 9, 2012

bonaventure cemetery

We had an hour before the cemetery closed, but we got ourselves togther and headed out to see Boneventure Cemetery, the famous cemetery from the book Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, as well as a number of famous people who are buried there. There's Johnny Mercer, singer/songwriter; Conrad Aiken, novelist; and various civil war generals. What is so really cool about this place is the ambiance..its creepy. Tombstones are ornate, large in size, and in some cases, caskets appear above the ground. We were there in the late afternoon, there was a thunderstorm going on, which made it creepier.
Needless to say, Maddie and Dylan loved it. It was almose like you could see the ghosts of this place, which, from what I understand is one of the most haunted in Savannah. Well worth the trip out there.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


What a beautiful city! We spent a great deal of time walking the squares and seeing beautiful homes. And some great eats as well. WSe took a gander at the Telfair Museum, which was alot of fun and quite beautiful. The age of the city really strikes you.

I have to say one thing we haven't been too hap;py with here in Savannah...service at the hotel. Minimal information at the desk. You can ask for a grocery store and they will say..yep up the street. No dirextions. Poor Dylan is sleeping on the sofa and we asked for a blanket. None available. However, everyone else has been great. Now we simply ask the front desk a million questions just to piss them off.

Tomorrow in Tybee Island and pizza at Huckapoos. Beach time!

folly beach

After a very slow start, we packed up the car (which took some careful planning...we have enough stuff for a trip out west for 2 months) and headed to Charleston's Beach resort, Folly Beach. It is a small resort about 20 minutes from downtown. It consists of only local businesses, a stretch of about 3 miles total. Very quaint and quiet, at least at the moment. In the middle of the town at the end of the only road in, is a large hotel, which probably houses most visitors. Fortunately, they had a great beach bar, where we camped out in the shade mind you. Temp was 97 degrees.

We headed out around 3 and headed for Savannah. Hotel is in a questionable neighborhood by my city standards, but I am assured it is a safe area. We walked to the Riverfront, an area that has been restored from the 1700's, with businesses and restaurants. A little touristy for my taste, but the architecture is quite amazing. ANd Spanish miss is everywhere. Unlike in Charleston, where it was wiped out with Hurricane Hugo.

Think I need to get this group moving...they are still sleeping. Pics in charging.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

charleston...and more

This is a second attempt to get this blog up and running..I had posted yesterday, but alas, it was a no show. Lets see if I am successful this time.
We started our trip in NC visited the Bennetts, who are both librarians in their former working life and now retired in Cary (Concentrated Area of Retired Yankees). They were the hostess with the mostess-and so good to see nancy..haven't seen her in 30 years.

We made a pit stop on our way to Charleston at SOuth of the Border. Maddie and Dylan had never been..and wowsa, after 49 signs invited us along route 95, we relented. We even bought a giant box of fireworks. Not the 700.00 box, the maximum amount of fire power allowed by law.

Our first day here in Charleston was rainy, but it didn't stop us from tromping thru the city getting wet and gaping at giant homes and churches. However, today was a picture perfect the 70's and beautiful. We began with a trip thru the open market, where they sell sweetgrass baskets made from 5 generations of african american women. Very pricey, but it is hours of labor and they are beautiful. We decided on a tour, which is the way to go. it gave us a great overview of the very walkable city and lots of history. I even think the young adults enjoyed it.
We walked, enjoyed the sunshine, ate great baked goods, and finished the day off with a great meal at Magnolia's. I had the best collard greens ever..and I am normally not a fan. Our waitress was having her first night at Magnolia's and being April Fools Day, we told her we wanted of of every dessert on menu. She was very professional for a while, until Maddie ordered 5 desserts...she finally caught on.

Tomorrow we are making a stop at Folly Beach on out way to Savannah. Loving the southern charm and graciousness. Could do without the Newt Gingrich signs however.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Incident reports in your public library

Happy Reading!

1. Ms. Smith was in today and once again touched a childs face/hair and a circ pth witessed this. I approached her and gave her a warning that this would result in banning from the library for a designated time if it happened again. She assured me that she encouraged the child to stay with their parents and gently touched his head. She is not a pervert etc. I told her touching any child no matter how gentle and kind she thought it was, was still considered inappropriate and would result in a banning if it happened again. She said she knows people in this country don't like her because she is the princess of France and so she will just go back to her country. ( Earlier this year she told us her father, King of France, is held captive in our basement by George Bush.

2.Patron denied fondling himself at BDN
Ann and I noticed a patron fondling himself at one of the computers. I went over and asked him to remove his hand and he said he was 'rubbing his stomach.' He stopped and later left the building.

3.Excessive & Inappropriate Use of Public Restroom

Today I spoke to a semi-regular patron (homeless, we think) whom we discovered had spent 3 hrs and 20 min yesterday in one of the public restrooms, and who left water on the floor (after attempting to wipe up) and bits of hair and whiskers on the toilet bowl. Circ staff heard him mumbling gibberish at times.

Patron admitted to washing, cutting his hair, and washing some clothes. He said he tried to clean up after himself. He agreed that he spent a lot of time, but he said this would not happen again, as he had cut his hair very short. He also talked fancifully about the water and whiskers re-appearing after he cleaned them up, attributing this possibly to "devils". This is the same patron whom staff observed several months ago standing on the sidewalk in front of the library for hours, simply staring across the street.

I told him he needed to limit his time in the restroom and that washing clothes, cuting hair, and shaving were not "stated public functions" of a public restroom. If he did any of these things in the future, we would invoke the banning procedures. I also directed him to inform us in the future if there was a mess in the restroom when he left.

When we asked if the library could provide him with any references to other resources, he said we already had done this, but he did ask about fitness clubs in the area. He had patronized one in the past to use their shower facilities.

When asked, he said his name was "Jack", but that sometimes he is called "Billy".

4.Bathroom at Closing

At 4:59pm on Saturday, 3/17/12, one of our public bathrooms was occupied. I knocked on the door to be told by a woman that it was occupied. I told her the library was closing. After 5, after patrons had cleared the building, I again knocked and told her that the library was now closed, no response. After repeated knockings and partially lowering our shutters, she mumbled something. She emerged at 5:06pm. She said "oh you really are closed" and I opened the door for her, then locked the door and turned to lower the shutters. Out from the door that had closed when the woman vacated the bathroom emerged a man! I unlocked the door and let him out. He said nothing. I proceeded to lower the shutters and finish closing the building. We left the building about 5:15pm.

It's all in a day's work.......