Tuesday, August 14, 2012

celebrations with young adults

Okay, this is going to serve as a reminder to me not to ever plan a surprize party when it involves young adults in their early 20's...
Andrew turned 21 this past weekend, so about a month ago, I began to plan a party for him as a surprize. The good news was the word did get out to those who needed to know. Bad news was I was never really clear as to who was coming. Instructions were to keep it a secret and to bring a side dish or an appetizer, and arrive by 7 PM. I had a friend of Andrew's take him out and return him at 7 30.
So, since I asked for some dishes to arrive, I kept the food simple..a deli tray, a pasta dish, a green salad, and a fruit salad. At 7:10, we had 2 of Andrew's friends at the house. I asked one of those friends to make some calls and see where everyone is..being fashionalby late to a surprize party does not work. One friend called me at 7 15 and said they were 15 minutes away. Great. They were instructed to call when they got to our street.
Menawhile, I give brownie points to CHelsea, who arrived at 7 and brought popcorn. The other friend decided to call the person who was WITH Andrew and announce loudly that she was at his house. The other friends arrived minutes before Andrew, and parked next to the house.
So, needless to say, surprize was somewhat subdued. He recognized the truck and then knew something was up. He was surprized to see his friends from Northern VA. And in terms of side dishes and appetizers? Well, I did see someone bring s'mores. And a package of Chips Ahoy.
One more thing about food and alcohol intake..must you clean the house of all food and beverages? it is necessary to make a 3 AM sandwich with a 1/2 pound of lunch meat and leave 2 slices of swiss? Must you pour 1/2 cup of frangelica into your coffee cause the alcohol content is not so high? Are 20 somethings simply oblivious or have adopted the attitude that all adults are wealthy and can afford all the stuff they can't?
And while I am at it, if I housed you, fed you, gave you a delicious breakfast complete with bloody marys, mimosas, and coffee drinks, could I hear a thank you?
I've said my peace...

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