Friday, May 11, 2012


I have been attending ALS support meetings for the past few months to support Julie and really, to support myself.  Last night's meeting was worth some commentary, as I left incredibly moved and awed, for a lack of a better word. Renda's husband just recently died..last month actually. He had battled ALS for 4 and a half years, with her at his side every step of the way.  Rhenda has always struck me as a strong, sensible, smart, and controlled woman-all the things I love in women. I often thought-don't piss her off cause she'll challenge you.  Certainly last night I saw a softer side of her, which is probably closer to who she is.  Whern you are thrown into a situation as she is-to care for someone you love, deal with the bureauocracy, handle your job-you simply step up. No choice.  And you kick some ass along the way to get what you need for your loved one. Because time is one thing no one has with this vile disease.
This led to an honest conversation os to whether the group leader should share information about the death of group memebers to other group members.  Tough call. I think the general concensus was it depends on what stage everyone is in at the time. I took a gander around the room at the caregivers and the ones they love and care for.  It's a mixed group of black and white, all ages, men and women. But there are more men caring for their women. And doing a damn good job.  I caught one wrapping a coat over his wife's shoulders who is wheelchair bound and then simply grabbed her hand and held it. Another took off to the bathroom with her, as she has no use of either arm. 
I look at Julie, who I admire most of all.  Who has always been sensitive to traumas of life and has stepped up and found the strength to deal with what's been given to her.  I am so grateful she has her sense of humor, her honesty, and her ability to make everyone elses' life issues her own, regardless of what's going on that day.  We had a great day of reminicing with my old room mate during my college years earlier in the week,when we were a bit wild at times.  She has a way of making you laugh at yourself which I find so enjoyable and fun. That's probably why she has so many close friends who love her dearly.  I can't leave out her family-they are an incredible support and a very tight group of siblings. 
I don't want to think about the future, but I am so grateful to have yesterday with Julie and the group. And everyone is doing great. That's all you can ask for.
Go ahead!

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