Tuesday, May 15, 2012


I think it might be time to lightne things up.  I have been thinking alot about my favorite aunty and unclt bingo as of late. They are getting read y to move to a new chapter in their lives after retiring to Florida.  They have had enough of  nascar, spring break, and motorcycle packs that invade Daytona throughout the year.  Despite the fact that they live one block from the Atlantic ocean, that is a huge selling point.  In any case, their condo is on the market-probably one of millions in Florida. Beautiful place and reasonably priced if anyone is interested.
We have always had a close relationship, thanks to a close age difference.  I so envy them..they retired early-actually months after 9/11, which coulda easily been Bingo in that building.  They have no children to bleed their finances dry, just dogs who are treated like their children. 
There is quite a history of dog that have lived in the Carroll home.  There was the beautiful Husky, who was a bit cranky.  He would lay under the dining table and emit a low growl as you feet dangled below. Sometimes he simply nipped at them, just to remind you he was there.  My brother came for a visit once..somehow that husky cornered him in the room, away from the rest of the human pack.  Rumor has it, however, that my brother was pretending to limp.  Now what would you expect as the weak ones are always the first to be taken down?
Then there was Teddy.  Teddy never sat on a floor. He sat on your head. Or on the dining room table after it was set. Kitchen counters.  Your feet.  He had free reign of his domain.  He didn't seem interested in making enemies, but we were always instructed to enter the home and take a seat immediately and sit quietly for the first 20 minutes.  After the husky, I was sure to follow instructions.  Bandit joined Teddy-who was probably the most well behaved dog ever to enter the home.  We miss Bandit.  Sweet, calm, and never sat on your head.
There's a new addition-Chloe-a rescued greyhound.  I understand she is very gentle, quiet, and a little nervous, especially loud noises.  Hmm...sure racing had something to do with it.  She has been a good dog, but now is comfortable enough with her new owners to eat their shoes.  Good Chloe. Welcome to my world. Just don't ever bite the hand that feeds you.

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