Saturday, May 5, 2012

Quality Teen Time

I have been spending a great deal of time in the last reading aloud To Kill a Mockingbird with Maddie.  She thought she would understand it alot better if she hear it read out loud.  Nice for me as well since I haven't read it it in a very long time.

To round out the experience, we invited over a few other 9th graders to watch the great film.  here is a sampling of the conversation duting the film:

"Who is that guy?"

"He is a bad guy I think. Or it might be Mr. Radley."

"Are they going to SHOOT the dog?? Really?  I can't watch that! This is a terrible movie! Who shoots dogs?"
Maddie: "Court, the dog has rabies.  It will die anyway"

"That guy is innocent!! What's wrong with these people?'  She is SOOOO lying."

" I am sorry, I can't be scared that someone is following Scout ans Jem. She is dressed like a ham;"

"I think i'st Mr. Radley and Atticus fighting. No, it might be Boo. Or Mr. Radley and Boo. Where is the ham? "

"Oh God, that man behind the door freaked me out!"  That was scary. More scary than the ham being knocked down in the woods."

Okay...people listen up,,think they might explain why it's called To kill a Mockingbird.  Maybe Boo is a mockingbird, not a blue jay...

I lost the train if thought after that....

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