Monday, October 1, 2012

what a weekend

There's alot to be happy about about. No, not being my cynical self. The orioles have clinched a playoff spot in baseball. The Ravens are 3-1. And I just spent a glorious weekend at the beach renewing my spirit and mind with women folk. We spent time on the beach and Bootsie, as she always does, had a spread of food fit for royalty. Crab salad, shrimp salad, thai noodles, various cookies and brownies, coconut cake, lasagna, flounder and crab imperial..just to name a few things. I must also pay homage to Don (her hubby), who's addiction involves owning a movie theater popcorn popper. He made copious amounts of popcorn-probably enough for an entire theater. I sampled a new cocktail this weekend..a cherry lane. It was quite good, despite the 13 dollar price tag in Berlin MD.

What all of us seemed to have in common was the fact that we have known each other for over 30 years. And we know each other this long because of Julie. (Except for Marcia, who came into my life when she was 16.) She is the cement that keeps friendships for many years. I am so grateful for that because I love all these women and can't imagine not having them in my life. Julie was a topic of conversation alot this weekend, especially how much we wished she was there with us. I know she was in spirit-unless all of her spirit was focused on the Orioles this weekend. Go ahead.

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