Sunday, June 24, 2012

hell raisers

I had a sad blast from my past last week when a brother of a good friend died suddenly this past week.  He was 51, the same age my brother Chris would have been if he was still with us.  I attended the memorial service for him and stepped back to my middle and high school years and we recanted the stories of our checkered past.  See, parental supervision during that time in history was non existent, or at least minimal.  We had no set curfews, restrictions, or cell phones to check in.  Steve's oldest brother was the one with the drivers license.  He has access to a fleet of cars his father had in Baltimore..he simply went to visit his dad and selected the choice of the week.  For a while it was a Buick Electra 225 (thanks to Bob for remembering this-think Bob had a thing about cars)...  Hell was raised in that thing..we used to steal 30 watermelons and pile them into the car..then sell them the next day or perhaps throw a few from a fast moving car...
Then Bunky showed up one day in a hearse.  Not unusual..his father was a funeral director and this was a model he wasn't using anymore.  I will just say you sure can fit alot of teens into the back of one of those things, as long as you weren't too creeped out.
I heard recanted stories of my brothers lives after I moved out.  Perhaps stories I didn't want to know.  I had no idea they were hitchhiking to Ocean City at the age of 12.  And that someone stopped to pick them up and only agreed to take my brother Nick and come back for the rest.  Fortunately, Steve, the one we have lost, had enough common sense to put a stop to that.  Chris and Steve hitched to Ocean City often.  And there were times where someone sensibly went to pick them a 2 seater.  4 teens in a sports 2 AM.  Yep, stories I may not want to know.

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