Tuesday, July 31, 2012


It's been beastly hot this summer and what better way to handle it than the summer olympics. Have to say, I find myself a bit obsessed about it. I am watching noon and night. I even streamlined the field hockey game at work. I am like a junkie. But I suppose its better than being a herion junkie..

Men's gymnastics team had high hopes for a medal and it was dashed with a very sloppy performance. They were falling all over the place. Chinese, in their usual fashion, were stellar and took gold for like the 6th olympics in a row. Speaking of Chinese, there is a 16 year old Chinese girl swimmer who is swimming faster than men. And she improved her speed by 7 seconds in the last year. Hmmm.....unusual?

Micheal Phelps mighta smoked a little too much pot off season..not a stellar perfomance yet. His big race is tonight.

Happy moments..Canadians made it to the podium with a bronze in team gymnastics. First time since 1912! And winner of the men'd road race was a 38 year old man who is ending his olympic career...on a very high note.

Let the games continue...

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