Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Incident reports in your public library

Happy Reading!

1. Ms. Smith was in today and once again touched a childs face/hair and a circ pth witessed this. I approached her and gave her a warning that this would result in banning from the library for a designated time if it happened again. She assured me that she encouraged the child to stay with their parents and gently touched his head. She is not a pervert etc. I told her touching any child no matter how gentle and kind she thought it was, was still considered inappropriate and would result in a banning if it happened again. She said she knows people in this country don't like her because she is the princess of France and so she will just go back to her country. ( Earlier this year she told us her father, King of France, is held captive in our basement by George Bush.

2.Patron denied fondling himself at BDN
Ann and I noticed a patron fondling himself at one of the computers. I went over and asked him to remove his hand and he said he was 'rubbing his stomach.' He stopped and later left the building.

3.Excessive & Inappropriate Use of Public Restroom

Today I spoke to a semi-regular patron (homeless, we think) whom we discovered had spent 3 hrs and 20 min yesterday in one of the public restrooms, and who left water on the floor (after attempting to wipe up) and bits of hair and whiskers on the toilet bowl. Circ staff heard him mumbling gibberish at times.

Patron admitted to washing, cutting his hair, and washing some clothes. He said he tried to clean up after himself. He agreed that he spent a lot of time, but he said this would not happen again, as he had cut his hair very short. He also talked fancifully about the water and whiskers re-appearing after he cleaned them up, attributing this possibly to "devils". This is the same patron whom staff observed several months ago standing on the sidewalk in front of the library for hours, simply staring across the street.

I told him he needed to limit his time in the restroom and that washing clothes, cuting hair, and shaving were not "stated public functions" of a public restroom. If he did any of these things in the future, we would invoke the banning procedures. I also directed him to inform us in the future if there was a mess in the restroom when he left.

When we asked if the library could provide him with any references to other resources, he said we already had done this, but he did ask about fitness clubs in the area. He had patronized one in the past to use their shower facilities.

When asked, he said his name was "Jack", but that sometimes he is called "Billy".

4.Bathroom at Closing

At 4:59pm on Saturday, 3/17/12, one of our public bathrooms was occupied. I knocked on the door to be told by a woman that it was occupied. I told her the library was closing. After 5, after patrons had cleared the building, I again knocked and told her that the library was now closed, no response. After repeated knockings and partially lowering our shutters, she mumbled something. She emerged at 5:06pm. She said "oh you really are closed" and I opened the door for her, then locked the door and turned to lower the shutters. Out from the door that had closed when the woman vacated the bathroom emerged a man! I unlocked the door and let him out. He said nothing. I proceeded to lower the shutters and finish closing the building. We left the building about 5:15pm.

It's all in a day's work.......

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