Thursday, November 1, 2012

Superstorm no more

Yep...the big one was brewin. A superstorm. Frankenstorm. There was quite a roar of media information since Monday about this one..and I admit, I was caught up in the terror of it all. They were reporting they have never seen anything like was the perfect that will go down in the history books. A storm of the century. Two unusual things that do not normally happen, happened. Instead of behaving like a good hurricane and heading out to sea, Sandy proved to be a juvenile delinquent. She is took a sharp left hand turn into NJ where she hooked up with a rather large system who prefers to remain anonymous that dropped down on us from Canada.
(Is there anything good that comes out of Canada?) Romantic sparks flew as Sandy and Storm Doe partied like there's no tomorrow and well, this was one party no one wanted to host.

Our governor spoke on Sunday to tell us to stay home. People WILL be killed. If you are asked to evacuate, don't hesitiate..get out. Jim Cantori from the Weather Channel also shared his thoughts...and we in Maryland were glad he was not broadcasting in Ocean City or Cambridge cause when Jim is at your door, you are in deep shit.

Don't get me wrong. It was a terrible storm-Maryland's eastern shore got most of the damage. And quiet Western Maryland just started ski season 2 months early with 2 feet of snow. But nothing compared to New Jersey and New York. Sandy and storm Doe took their party to Atlantic City...guess you can't blame them. But it brought the jersey shore to it's knees..and may never be the same again. Here's the question people keep this a new normal? Are superstorms an annual occurance now? Maybe it time to move to the mountains.

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