Monday, May 30, 2011

summer reads part 1

I have to say, summer has kicked in with a vengeance this weekend.  And so, I think its time to share some of my favorite books to read under a beach umbrella.  Can't really say they are all light reading, but will grab you and keep your attention.  And so, without further adieu, here is a few:

Walk in the Woods by Bill Bryson.  A great book for summer travelers. Bill takes us his journey along the Appalachian Trail as he attempts to walk the whole thing.  Never mind he has never hiked before, knows nothing about camping, and invites his overweight college friend along, who thinks a journey like this one should include little debbie cupcakes, snickers bars, spam, and perhaps a few 6 packs. Humor is sharp and witty.

Full Dark No Stars by Stephen King.  King is back with novellas.  This is a collection of 4, all involving the dregs of our society in some format.  King sometimes goes off into a netherworld, but this collection sticks with more reality-if you can count normal people doing heinous things.

Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins.  I've heard so much about this young adult book I decided to listen to it as we traveled to NC.  So glad I did-story of the future where there are 12 districts run by the Capital.  Each year, the Capital holds a lottery and selects to children (ages 12-18) to participate in the Hunger games, where they fight to the death until one is left standing.  And while you are at it, read book 2 and 3.

Room by Emma Donoghue.  A woman is kidnaped and held captive in a room, 11 by 11 for 8 years.  And the story is told by the 5 year old, who knows no other world other than this room.  Never seen the sky, a tree, or met anyone else other than his mother and the kidnapper.  What a story. 

One Thousand White Women by Jim Fergus.  A great historical novel about the Brides for native Indians program introduced by the federal government in the 1800's as a trade for 1000 horses.  They brought women in from prisons and mental institutions for these men, one of which is this story of mary Dodd.  Charming and an easy read-it reads quickly.

More to come later....thats all my creative juices can handle right now...

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