Tuesday, May 10, 2011

joys of motherhood

I am getting ready to head south to pick up my oldest from college after completing his 2nd year in college. Kudos to him for hanging in there and realizing what he has to do to see his future..and not piss off his parents.  He has had a few bumps, no major ones.  Roommate issues.  Lost his glasses, but duct taped and tied a bandanna around his old ones to get him thru the rest of the year.  Lost his black printer cartridge, but printed in purple. Lost his debit card, but has no money, so moot point. If he has learned anything in these 2 years of living on his own, its problem solving in creative ways.  I often think there is a good number of kids out there without these skills, simply because they are bailed out by their parents. At some point there needs to be a sink or swim mentality, as hard as that might be as a mother.
Regardless, I am not ready to not have him home. I love his company, his sense of humor, and his insightful quips. And having another driver.  His sister misses Taco Bell at midnight and a marathon of RugRats with her big brother. We do hope he is working a real job this summer, socking away money for real life expenses, not just a beer run.  All part of the sink or swim philosophy. I think he will go far, as long as he gets a handle on those little bumps that can be avoided.

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