Wednesday, May 18, 2011

literature in NC

In order to maintain my sanity while driving 525 miles to western NC, I always take along a book on CD.  I have to say, it is a lifesaver.  TIme seems to to fly by, until I get to about 6 hours in the car and then it starts to wear on you.  This trips selection was Snowflower and the Secret Fan. Ever wanted detailed information about foot binding?  Read the book.  There were moments of cringing while listening to this and it seems so much more real when someone in reading it to you.  However, what a fascinating story of China in the 19th century.  I highly recommend.
We rounded out our literature adventure with a trip to Flat Rock NC.  THis is where the home of Carl Sandburg is.  And you thought he always lived in Chicago. Apparently, he moved there in the 40's and remained there until he died in 1967 (can you tell we took a tour?). House remains untouched from the 60's-his wife moved after he died and left everything behind and donated it to the national park service.  Beautiful home on top of a tall hill overlooking the mountains. I now know more about Sandburg than I ever knew before.
My last tidbit of lit has to do with the book "Hunger Games" (another book on CD on a previous trip).  They are making a movie out of it-which in itself is a wonderful thing.  They are filming in western North Carolina-in and around Asheville.  And to add a more personal touch, they have uprooted a dying tree from Andrew's college campus to be used in the film.  Pretty cool.
Next installment..Hendersonville.  I know, you can't wait.

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