Thursday, April 7, 2011

Pressures of blogs and tweets

I promised myself that I would visit my blog every day and put some sort of pithy entry for all to read. Wait, who am I kidding?  No one is following this other than me :-)  Not that it matters,this is an exercise to keep my writing skills flowing and to exercise those few brain cells that still exist.  I sorta feel like Seinfeld...all sorts of ideas about....nothing.   And look how successful that was.
It's not like I have a focus with this, like Julie who wrote about Julia Child; or a blog about travels; or someone's experience with online dating.  And of course, I have no one following this because no one knows about it.  Well, that will not be the case in the near future.  I really didn't want anyone to be excited (right) about this until I knew it was going to be a normal everyday thing and not one entry a year.  I also wasn't sure what direction should it go in..a venue to vent my frustrations with public service, a bio with all my dirty secrets, or simply sharing fun and silly moments.  I choose the later.  With a few frustrations thrown in..and I'm not naming names.
PS  Let us all sing the joy that Glenn Beck will be defunct on FOX News in the near distant future.There is a God.

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