Friday, April 15, 2011

Budget Woes Part 1

Last night, I attended the Chesapeake cluster of the citizens advisory coucil for the school system.  I probably shouldn't have...the main topic on the agenda was the budget for the upcoming year.  As a county employee, all departments were asked to submit a 10 percent cut scenario to the county executive, which we did as instructed.  All departments were asked to do this, as we all know we are facing more tough times ahead.  Wait. NOT the school system.
So, I walk in last night to hear and see a list of hardships the schools are facing in the next year.  okay. i get it.  We all are. There was also the discussion that Mr. Leopold is threatening not to give the schools their maintenenace of effort, as dictated by the state. Then there is a lengthy discussion to all about how we need to attend the upcoming hearings at Old Mill to support the budget Mr. Maxwell has asked for, which is not a 10 percent cut scenario, but a 5 percent INCREASE over last year.  And be sure to support the need for the maintenance of effort as well. 
The next topic shared was a new initiative introduced at the hight school, which will introduce new classes and new instructors.  Really?
Does anyone read the newspaper?  Is everyone in the school system have their heads in the sand or do they simply choose to ask for the sky knowing the power they hold?  Could I, as a county resident who has kids in the school system, see some concerted effort to save money, ride out the storm like the rest of us, and stop threatening big classroom sizes? I am so weary of this political game..ask for more money, knowing you probably won't get it, then threaten teacher layoffs and how the children will suffer. Play nice like the rest of us...we all have to bite the bullet and get through this tough economy.

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