Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Dare I be Hopeful?

It's April and its baseball season!! Oh joy.  I am a long time orioles fan..dating back to the late 70's.  I spent many afternoons at memorial Stadium cheering on Rick Dempsey, Ken Singleton, and Eddie Murray.  I looked forward to Earl Weaver's rants, especially when he threw his hats at umps.I had a mad crush on Jim Palmer-even bought him an orange juice at the Owl Bar one afternoon.  But alas, all came to a screeching halt as the o's dived in oblivion.  Years of losing seasons and an owner who won't loosen the purse strings to buy some talent. 
This year, for the first time, I am somewhat optimisitc. A 4-0 start with a great line up-actually picked up decent talent in the off season.  They came out of the gate at full speed-giving up only one run in each of the games.  Please oh great oriole gods..let me be excited about baseball again!

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