Monday, June 6, 2011

peninsula living

Seems I am always destined to live on a peninsula.  I lived in a small community growing up in Annapolis called Bay Ridge-only one road in and one road out.  And here I am off one of the longest dead end roads in the country (at least its rumored to be that).  In any case, we had a typical Friday afternoon in hell this past weekend, which also happened to be the eighth grade social night.  Apparently, a high school bus was involved in an accident with 2 cars, which resulted in towed all involved and an ambulance or two. So, now the only road in is closed.  No buses to the middle school.  Maddie sends me a text at 2 :40-just as school lets out.  No kids are going home-they are all in classrooms waiting on buses to arrive.  Traffic is grindlocked.  At 2:41, our electricity goes off.  A tranformer blew-just to add to the chaos. 
I get a text from maddie's teacher-please come pick her up if she is going to make her hair appointment. No one is allowed to leave unless they come into the office and sign them out.  office is chaos-parents in line picking up kids. Phone is ringing off the hook.  I gather Maddie, only to sit in traffic until things cleared up.  We make her hair appt, head home, still a huge back up because middle school kids are just getting home and the elementary kids have to picked up now. Run home, change, jump back in the its backed up going out.  Seems something was going on at the local liquor store..perhaps a robbery.  And who is stupid enough to rob a store on a peninsula?
Okay, its time to start looking at a boat.  Much faster and a guaranteed alternative route. 

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