Saturday, June 11, 2011

life's oddities

What a strange week its been.  Our illustrious sit down man has moved to his summer wardrobe-which consists of a short sleeve button down shirt, tucked into his bathing suit trunks and sneakers.  Same outfit everyday.  I attended a meeting yesterday and an attendee was wearing very nice black and white dress, big pearl necklace, and an apron.  Hmmm...June Cleaver look?
And how could we not know about Sarah Palin's latest screwup, where she reported that Paul Revere was ringing bells to warn the BRITISH that they were not gonna take our guns away...or something like that.  I couldn't even follow her logic.  Please lord, have her run for president..imagine the entertainment factor.  I also understand her supporters went on Wikipedia to reflect this chage in our history.  Fortunately, it has been 'padlocked'.
Also worth a mention...Congressman Weiner couldn't keep his weiner in his pants.  I really do wish these idiots would simply sleep with someone and not turn is into an Internet sensation.
And to round off the news this week, Republican Sharron Angle, who lost her race in Nevada, was on the Today show toting her new book "Right Angle".  Highlights included the fact that Obama was elected because he was black and just a pretty face and accused Harry Reid of stealing the election.  So, I am very impressed with what she thinks of the integrity of our American people, never mind the intelligence to vote simply on charisma.
Okay, advice to all of you-keep your private parts in your pants and focus on facts.  And those of you making fashion statements, please call Tim Gunn for advice.

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