Friday, June 3, 2011

goodbye middle school...

Maddie is wrapping up her final year at Chesapeake Bay Middle School. it has been a mixed bag of highs and lows.  Certainly her academics have been outstanding.  Amazing how different your kids can be..don't think I have looked at a homework assignment in 3 years. Andrew required a bit more monitoring :-)  She had some great teachers..this year's language arts teacher was one of the best.  She hailed from New York, where writing was a big focus.  Good thing-we don't do much of that here.  And we had a few not so great.  A few who might want to retire.  No names to protect the guilty.
Tonight is the 8th grade social to send them on their way to high school.  Obviously I won't be attending as a chaperone, although Andrew had no issue with this.  Maddie is going all girl tonight, which is a bit of an adjustment for me.  She's always been the sports girl.  Never thought we would be painting toes and discussing makeup.  But is all good...and she would look beautiful in any fashion statement she decides to make. 
So yeah, they grow up.  And sometimes you wish you could have those days back when they were 5 years old, believing in Santa and look at you with complete admiration and awe. Then I remember child care issues, illnesses, and temper tantrums.  And I count my lucky blessings. Go forth and conquer Maddie!

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