Monday, June 20, 2011

Fathers Day

Yep. I know..I am a day late and a dollar short.  I thought about dads yesterday, called my brothers to wish good wishes; acknowledged Alan's good deeds as dad and then thought about my dad.  It's been 22 years since he was gone and there still days where I would like to pick up the phone to tell him something.  He was a jovial soul with a sharp, quick wit that everyone remembers about him.  My brother reminded me of our late night arriving home.  I was about 12, Chris was 9, twins about 6 or 7.  We would cruise down the dark road towards home and just as the road dips, he would shut the lights off in the car-we would feel like we were flying. Terrifying and yet exhilerating.  I remember many visits to New Jersey where he was living, where we would spend great times in the city, eating in the bast places (Windows of the World was a favorite), hitting piano bars, and seeing Manhattan from a native's perspective. 
He was also quite a drinker.  Scotch was his drink of choice and he could put a major dent in a fifth in one evening. Which is fine, unless we were visiting my aunt on top of a mountain that required some skill when leaving her house. And throw in deer to had to the terror. 
He had a lust for life.  Didn't pay too much attention to the small stuff, which presented problems in relationships.  He was well liked by many and loved what he did...librarianship.  He was instrumental in my decision to move into the field. I think it was really those phenomenal library conferences in great locations-he would fly me to New orleans or San Fransisco where we would hit all the publisher's parties for free drinks and tasty morsels. When that was done, we saw the sights of the city.  Don't think he attended one meeting the whole time we were there..except to stick his head in and get a general feel in case he was asked.
His love of life was ultimately his demise.  I am glad he touched my life and many others.  Is it time for a drinky-po?

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