Thursday, April 4, 2013

warm weather?

It's April. Almost the middle of April. And I am still in my winter coat. I walked last night, with gloves, hats, sweaters, and coats. That's the last time I listen to Punxsutawney Phil. I hear it might in the 60's by next week. It's in the 30's in Dublin and London. Great.
In the anticipation of warm weather, we just purchased kayaks. Now, I would love to sit here and say I am a connoisseur of kayaking, but I would be lying. Not that I haven't lied before. However, I have had limited experience any small boat, other than a sunfish sailboat as a pre-teen. That was light enough to carry to the beach myself, plop the centerboard in, pull the sail up and head to the shipping channels in the bay. And avoid being run over.
Maddie and I rented a canoe while in Sanibel Island. The boat had 2 seats -black; that had cooked in the hot sun for quite a while before we arrive. I am surprized we didn't get 3 degree burns. We went searching for manatees. We found none. It was hot, steamy, and some of the waterways narrow with thick brush and trees, which we got caught up in. We couldn't wait to get back. And when we pulled in, the beach was an incline, which meant my big ass could not get out of the boat. The young, very cute boating guy had to pulled my out-no easy feat.
So, I have a bit of trepidation when it comes to kayaking. Especially before the water warms up in case I flip the boat. And then there is the issue of getting out. Stay tuned.

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