Friday, April 12, 2013

a lost day

Yesterday was our last day in Dublin. And I am having a hard time remembering what we did. Wait a sec...its coming back to me. We headed to the country after a delicious continental breakfast of Irish cheeses and meats (Irish cheese is the best), yoghurt.Irish browtime ton bread, nuts and fruits. And very strong coffee. Our first stop was Dun laoghaire on the coast. It was another cold, damp Irish morning that chills you to the bones. We visited a place on the sea called forty foot where hearty Irish women and men swim all year around. And indeed, a man was just climbing out of the 30 degree water the color of a cooked lob

ster. Tim commented to our 80 year old guide that people must be on crack. She agreed there was a drug problem in the villages. Think she missed the point.
we headed over to another small village glenlachue. It was the home of some of the oldest monasteries in Ireland..backstops the 8th and 9th century. And still standing. Had lunch in the only hotel there and had great root vegetable soup.
We returned and met Grainyga for dinnner, our long lost cousin who is a bit younger than Tim. We began with Irish coffers wdhere they whip the cream for each individual drink by shaking the cream in n empty beer bottle. We made fast friends with the Czech bartender until he told him to give everyone in the bar an Irish coffee.
Dinner was lamb of course. Followed bysome procseco. And then off to see one of the smallest bars in Dublin (seats 15) and then Irish music. I have to admit I had this romantic idea that most bars had crusty old Irishmen hanging out, drinking Guinness, and singing ballads. Not so. But we found music where mom sang and we drank. Tim ended up behind the bar with the Irish lads pouring Guinness. We did mini Guinness shots with a group of coca cola guys, which was really ba iley's and tia Maria. It was a late night.
Up at 4 am. Tim and mom overslept so departure was ugly. But we made it and the highlight of today was tea at the hotel. Over the top.
I need to sign off.

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