Wednesday, April 10, 2013

bog crypts and lagar

As we all retired last evening in a quasi coma, our plan today was to meet for breakfast at 8 am and Ann our new relative would meet us at 9 for touring. I will even mention our dear mother thought she would fit in a walk before breakfast. I arrive at breakfast at 8 and no signs of the rest of the clan. I wait 5, 10, 15,20 sign. I head upstairs and bang on the door. No answer. I call the room. No answer. I would be worried but the paper was outside the room. Finally after 5 minutes of banging mom answers the door~hair askew and ear plugs in. I inform her its 8 30. She asks 'in the morning?' So much for a walk before breakfast. Jet lag rears its ugly hat.
we did a museum tour in the am~which we had the chance to see ancient (2000 Bc)human remains that were found Ianthe bogs of Ireland. Mud does wonders for preservation. Mud masks from now on. We visited Trinity college to see the book of Kells. Really most impressive was the library. Massive. 200k books. There was a group of women up at the top section vacuuming the books. It takes a year to go threw the entire collection. Then they start all over. Never a sense of accomplishment.
then off to Guinness storehouse, and the kilmainham geol. Old jail of Dublin with many hangings and history.
we need more time here. We missed the Jameson's whiskey tour. Searching for music tomorrow. Priorities.

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