Sunday, April 14, 2013

london continued

Yesterday was beautiful. For about 2 hours. I went on a trip to oxford, stratford upon Avon, and Warwick castle. Oxford was charming and a step into old education. Christ church (the most well known Oxford university) has 400 students attending a school that dates back to the 1500's. Its like a step back in time. The highlight was the dining hall, which was used as the model for Harry potters Donny hall. And we climbed the steps Harry did in the first movie to meet prof. Mcgonagal.
We headed over to stratford upon Avon, home of shakepeare. We paid a visit to his childhood home, where heat was provided by fires and little ventilation. Child mortality was was quite high-maybe cause kids slept on trundleswhere the smoke was the thickest and they suffocated. Cant deny his brilliance tho. We had actors doing short passages from his plays on the garden of his home. Quite amazing.
final stop was Warwick castle. Lots of history and monarches past thru those doors, but truly what struck me was the amount of bed hopping that went on there. Daisy the Countess of the castle had her revolving door of men as her husband gave her free reign (no pun intended) she even had an illegitimate child. Isn't English history the best?

Today we went to hampden court. It was all about crazy Henry the Viii, who by the way, was walking the halls yelling at Ann boleyln. Oh and Charles II was his own exhibit. He had a mistress who he had move on with his wife as she had his illegitimate child. And Ann was accused of giving birth to a changeling (she supposedly smuggled the baby in during the birth in a bed warmer) sure sounds like a page from a current London rag.
final big highlight was a visit to abbey road with Tim. Yep, we took pics crossing the road. What a moment.
onto Stonehenge, bath, and Windsor castle. Been a phenomenal trip.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you all are having the time of your lives! Can't wait to see the Abbey Road pics. Hello to Tim and your mom. Enjoy the remainder of your trip :)
