Monday, April 8, 2013

let the sdventures begin

We are awaiting our flight~due to take off in an hour. Never mind we arrived 3 hours esrly but we find ways to entertain ourselves. Which involves sitting st a wine bar and people watching. There is a large contiguency of servicemen on our flight heading to Afghanistan. We wished them godspeed.
As we wrapped up our 10 dollar glass of wine…in strolls a gentleman in a very blinged out sparkle shirt; earrings; beret; cocktail lounging pants; high heels; long grey beard/; and long grey hair kn a ponytail. I am a bit perplexed. Man wanting to be woman? Woman wanting to be mam? Wanting to be both? Or just doesn't give a shit about high fashion? With my luck he will be my seat mate.
we are boarding soon. I understand they r serving a hot dinner with wine. I also suspect to see packages of sleep masks; socks; blankets all waiting for us in our seats I love the Brits.

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