Monday, November 28, 2011

Post turkey party

After a week of recovery from a haze of alcohol and turkey, I have some out of the fog and ready to get back to a routine. I also dealt with laryngitis last week-much to the joy of my family. However, it didn't seem to stop me from drunk dialing my son at my party Saturday night and questioning him about missing Tuaca from the bottle...looked quite watered down,according the the Tuaca expert.Think it went something like: "Okay, where is my damn Tuaca? It looks like the Tuaca has water in it. Don't water down my Tuaca!!" Andrew not only had a voice mail on his phone, but a couple of text messages from drunk friends who couldn't find the Grey Goose bottle. Those were indecipherable.."OH where oh where ids Andrew......" and "Your mither wants to know where her Grey Goose is.." Andrew called to ask what my message was..all he could decipher was "WACA WACA!" It's interesting how things come full circle when your kid approaches I have to explain my behavior as opposed to the opposite.

Not only did we indulge with turkey, Maddie and I went to Volt for lunch. Such am amazing dining experience. An entourage comes to your table when the food arrives so all food can be uncovered at one time. They have a fork person, a bread person, a napkin person....whew.. And beauty doesn't touch it.

So, back on the bandwagon in the good eating department. And no more alcohol until Christmas.

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