Thursday, November 3, 2011

Just when you think things can't get worse..

A warning to all who might be reading...this is not an uplifting, light, happy blog entry. I am racked with emotion and need to share-and this is my avenue.Just got through the funeral and I got a call last evening from a very dear friend who has been part of my life for 35plus years. She has been diagnosed with ALS, otherwise known as Lou Gehrig's disease. There is no cure and no treatment. Your muscles stop receiving signals from your brain to walk, talk, hold a cup, and eventually, breathe. Your mind remains in tact, you can feel, see, touch, think. You simply can't make your body move... i am an eternal optimist generally (except for a bit of cynicism). I have read they are doing clinical trials to see if something might address this horrific illness.And Stephen Hawkes has lived 40 years with this illness. My heart is beyond broken for my friend, who has a great zest for life, a positive spirit, and truly cares for all those in her life. Why does God strike down the good people? I'm gonna be there to support her, be her friend, a listener, and someone to laugh with. It's time to make the very best of life today because no one can predict what tomorrow will bring. And who knows..maybe I can be part of her bucket list and share some adventures...I might draw the line at skydiving however. :-) Count every moment..things can change in an instant.

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