Saturday, October 29, 2011

The up side of funerals

Despite the long and arduous 2 days giving Alan's mother a proper send off, not all was sad and perplexing. Funerals give you the opportunity to see people you don't stay in touch with and would like to. I see most of Alan's siblings fairly regularly, at least in the cyber world. But I do have a fondness for his in laws-specifically, the ex in laws. Mike is one of the most grounded person I know, great father, and a huge support to Sandy when dealing with all this. I am so glad to see they have a mutually agreeable relationship and perhaps have an opportunity to socialize with him He also has the most understanding of this crazy family. The other i really enjoy is Veronique. She is sweet, kind, and doing her best to raise 3 girls while trying to establish herself in a late career (spent most of her life raising children), She hails from France but lives here now. Has raised 3 beautiful girls who i want to get to know better, There was not many funny stories in the Adams family growning up. It was filled with hard farm life, praying for rain, and feeding the 6 kids, as well as various farm hands. I did however have a funny exchange with Alan's cousins, Gloria and Angie. Their mother is now in a nursing home-not quite always there, but checks into reality on occasion. Angie tells me her mother is one of very few who has visitors. Whe she brought her mother a pizza, she was almost taken down by a walker yielding granny looking for a break from cream of wheat and mashed potatoes. When her and her fiance were leaving the nursing home, they were surrounded by hovering senior citizens, moving ever so closer to the locked front door. Some old lady in a wheel chair stuck her foot in the hopes of a quick escape. Angie reported it to the nurses station-she consulted her list of excapees which includes pics and their m.o's. Sad, but kinda funny..I think if you put that much effort, hell, take em to Denny's for a Grand Slam breakfast.

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