Friday, October 21, 2011

crazy snapshot of life

It has been a roller coaster ride this week. We just wrapped up field hockey this week with a final game in the pouring rain. It was senior night, which involves posters, balloons, announcements, cream of crab soup (chesapeake high school tradition), large plaques, programs, the list goes on. There is a team dinner at the most expensive restaurant in the 'dena to give awards to the players. It also involves christmas ornaments for all the players, a slide show, and senior blankets. Do I need to go on? And did I mention there is no money in the kitty of any of this? I heard the money was spent last year on a scholarship (thats good) and pandora bracelets for seniors (thats bad). Maddie's Cupcake Wars was this week. Wow..what talent! And the kitchen was no worse for the wear. Everyone did a phenomenal job. And as we close out the week, Alan's mom has joined George Robert. She had been very ill and in alot of pain that could not be controlled. It is difficult for the sons and daughter, but her physical well being has gone downhill since the summer. i also think she gave up and as she told Alan last week..."I am ready to get out of here'" She lived a tough life, raising 6 kids, maintaining a farming life, and dealing with life's tragedies. I don't think she ever left the kitchen in the earlier years I knew her. She will be missed by her family. One funny moment worth mentioning..I had gone to St. Mary's County one weekend to bring her to our house for a visit. I got about halfway up the road when a woman stupidly pulled in front of me and I hit her. Yes, the only car accident I have ever had and it had to be with my mother in law in the car. needless to say, she didn't come home with me..she had her son pick her up and take her home. Rest in Peace Mary Adams.

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