Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Being thankful

It seems a number of folks are delving into their thoughts of what they are grateful for. It's the time of year-Thanksgiving is coming up as we know. You know, the holiday no one in my family can remember what we were doing last year. Except Maddie. So, I am going to give my thanks. I am feeling especially thankful in light of my dear friend's sad news this month...

I am grateful for my family. I have wonderful kids who are kind, polite, compassionate, smart, understand the value of money, make me laugh, and go with the flow. I have a husband who will remember small mentions of wants and needs and will do them without asking twice. He might grumble about an extra job, but pitches right in and often does so without being asked. Except for maybe house work.

I am grateful for my great staff. The are dedicated, easy to work with, and considering what we have gone through with our budget the last 2 years, do all this without complaint. It makes my job so much easier.

I am thankful to my neighbors. Who care for my dog when I call on them. Who walk with me anytime I call. Who keep my daughter employed in babysitting. Who are a big part of my social life.

I thank the heavens above for my health everyday. I can still bob til I drop. Although I think I drop at a much earlier hour than I used to.

I am grateful I live with wonderful cooks. Who will step up in the kitchen and create amazing things. Actually, thank God my whole family are foodies. We eat well and celebrate well. Is it wrong to be grateful for eating well?

Thank you for my Beemer.

I am thankful for all the travelling I have been able to do. And will do in the future.

I am thankful for reality TV..because it just reminds you just how grateful you are of your life.

Music. Life would not be complete without music.

Tomorrow..things I am not grateful for....

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