Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Vermont Day 4

Today's hike took us to Woodstock Vermont..a charming town of about 5000. hike leader was "Shannon"=a spry,very serious young lady in her early 20's. We call her general. She feels she needs to tell everyone how to hike, breath, drink water, and set the pace. I almost threw her off the path. She carries a small pack filled with bandaids, trail mix, almonds, cell phone, bug spray..list goes on. We r not hiking the Appalachian trail people. We returned to the van and those riding in her van asked her to turn on the A/C-weather was very hot and humid for Vermont...she said no, she would roll down the windows. I guess they needed to tough it out..
We spent some time in town..a welcome break. Headed back for a pedicure. Karen needed to do some laundry (you go through clothes quickly with sweat)and low and behomd, the local laundrymat is a bar/laundrymat. Yeah..we got nuts and drank a wine spritzer! Wonder what Shannon would say...
Lunch was a turkey, veggie, and hummus sandwich. yes, people, I experienced bread for the first time since arriving. Dinner was salad, talapia, beans and rice, and fresh pea pods..gotta had it to the chef-he is quite good.
Speaking of chefs, we had a cooking demo yesterday for black bean burgers. At least I think that was the end result...instructor was all over the map..no measurements, then she passed out vinegar to smell, followed by pickled onions-not sure how that related. We did actually get to a black bean burger with fresh salsa. We had 13 people. I had a taste equal to a teaspoon. I consider that a snack..
A golf group arrived today at the hotel..I sighted bagels and cream cheese. In addition, looks like a few newbies for the spa are the serious minded hikers. Who go on 30 day cleansings. I sat with Jeanne, a die hard liberal from Philly and her hubby.
Bought different socks today in hopes of avoiding more blisters. No really, I am loving this. Hikes have been beautiful. Food great. Met some terrific people. I could do without Shannon.

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