Sunday, July 10, 2011

Vermont Day 2

It is actually surprizing I am upright at the moment. Hike the morning was 5 miles-not too beastly, but enough to break a major sweat. I have to say, it was nice not to be bringing up the rear in this group. Guess all those water aerobic classes paid off. My feet were sore, but word has it that I need different socks-HIKING socks. To go along with the hiking bottle. They do supply you with walking sticks and water bottles.
Met some interesting people the Canadian contigency. Then to mix it up a bit, they threw in a colorful woman from West Virginia. She tried all activities, including meditation. Which apparently didn't go as planned when paired up with a priest. She has also been thrown out of yoga in her past..needless to say, I liked her.
A bit of pool time before he headed in for dinner. Food is good..despite no salt. Amazing how much you use when u don't have it in your diet.
Capped the day off with my free massage...which has put me in a state of euphoria. Everything is going well, but I seem any signs for lobster. Will I be able to hold out?? If I am asking the question, we might be in trouble...

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