Monday, July 25, 2011

blogs be forgotten

Wow...really been a week since I visited here? Guess I was busier than I thought. Catching up takes a while.
Heat wave has finally is 90 today, which feels great conpared to 120. Weekend was filled with socializing. We went to visit our good friends Barb and Arnout to the country..Monkton. They have a beautiful home they just remodelled with a state of the art kitchen. Barb demonstrated her cooking skills, swam, played games, chit chatted...nice weekend. It was capped off with a library summer social at a larger than life home of a board member. Large, tastefully decorated, and for sale. Anyone have 1.5 mil? A is 8K squeare feet. Then back to my humble abode, which took me 20 minutes to clean the bathroom. Although I guess if you live in a house that big, you hire someone to clean it.
Off on another adventure next week...Colorado! And Mt Rushmore. Looks like I can check off CO, WY, and SD off my list of visited states.

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