Monday, June 22, 2015

Sorrento and Pompeii

I did have high expectations with the Almalfi coast and Pompeii. And by far, it exceeded it.

Pompeii stands in a time warp from 78 AD. Yes, AD. Yet there was evidence that nor much had changed in the last 2000 years. We had issues with drainage and donkey shit in the c=streets so they built stones to get from one side of the road to anothe so no one had to step in, well, shit. They had the rich, who had benches in front of their homes for the less fortunate who needed to be fed. They would sit on the bench outside the home and wait until someone came anfd gave them a meal. The longer the bench, the richer one was, as they were able to feed a number of people. Imagine if we had that today.

There were bordellos everywhere, stone beds still in tact, with pictures 2000 years old-a menu of sorts, of what services were offered and for so much. I also found a number of stone penises out side many homes-tour guide said there were more penises than people in Pompeii. Apparently you were to rub it everytime you left and returned to your house to bring good luck. Hmmm...Freud might have a field day with that.

See, I only bring you the greatest highlights in my opinion. And what continues to make one uneasy, Vesuvius stands in the background, still very active. Seems to stir every 50 years.

It had to be one of the highlights of our trip. Beautiful blue waters, quiet, quaint town, very nice Italians, a easy town to maneuveur in...just a great experience and return in a heart beat. Our last stop was a farmhouse where we learned how olive oil was made as well as mozzerella cheese. And then we wwere treated to a delicious lunch of meats, cheeses, pasta, lemoncello cake, and alot of wine. Temps were in the high 70's, with cool Mediterranean breeze that flows all the time. I think I made some friends on the bus. Mom, be forewarned-the person I made friends with wants to get her PH'd at Hopkins and is going to stay at your house.

Tomorrow is Rome. A class by itself.

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