Monday, June 22, 2015


I have always had a romantic vision of Rome. Sidewalk cafes, sipping Italian coffee, everyone looking very cosmopolitan on quiet streets. This is so not the case. We did Rome on your own and was promptly dropped of at the Colliseum with a map and some general warnings and information. Now, we have been able to get around most European cities we have visited and this one proved to be the most challenging.

No street signs on many of the streets. Bad enough they are in italian, but some don't exist. I asked a vendor what street we were on, he vaguely pointed to my map and mumbled and answer. I asked a police office f he spoke English-he said no and turned away. Not very helpful. FInally, after an hour, we got our bearing sand set off to see all the highlights of ZRome in 6 hours or less. not an easy task. Street sellers are aggressive and pushy...and they are everywhere. I think i was asked to buy a selfie stick 87 times.

Everywhere was crowded..and again,m people trying to sell you tours to see the sites you are standing in front of. That cost no money to see. We did have a good lunch of Pizza and fresh pasta before we tackled the Vatican.
We were told the subway system was extremely simple-only 2 lines. They started a third line, and got to the third station and discovered ancient artifacts and construction has halted indefinitely until archiologists can study the area. So, yes, good news-2 lines. Bad news-don't ride it. Pick pockets everywhere. Someone tried to get into my purse, but I was on high alert and noticed and shooed this your 20 something girl away.

Vatican was a version of Rome on crack. We did make it to St. peter's square, but thats about it. Too much for Maddie and too much for us.

An overwhelming place that is better done in an off season in at least 4 days.

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