Wednesday, February 29, 2012

county politics

I am fully aware of the vast differences in parties these days and I am open minded enough to hear the other side, even though I might not agree. I have to say, Anne Arundel politics has moved into the dark side as of late, from what I am hearing from the ones 'we' elected. Not that they were not there to begin with, just more open to showing their true colors.
Let's begin with Don Dwyer. he has been elected twice in Maryland to represent district 31. His sole purpose since being elected is to stop the same sex marriage bill because no gay people should be allowed the same rights as a man and a woman in marriage. He even tried to disbar a judge who took a stand on the issue who supported it. Interestingly, he is seperated from his wife.
Then we have our illustrious county council. Councilman Grasso, who represents the Glen Burnie area, called his ditrict the 'new ghetto' and and opposed low-income housing because someone who pays $380 in rent isn’t a “quality person.”
Wait, thats not all. He's a birther. And he has informed all of us that there is new evidence on the internet about a social security number...really???
Last week, during the discussions among the coucilmen to decide on who to replace Counselman Jones (the first african american to EVER be seated on the council), the vote was split. 3 votes for a qualified black candidate and 3 for a white candidate. Councilman Ladd showed his true colors and discussed his time in Vietnam and the 'gooks' he encountered. As my colleague said to me today..isn't that something your grandfather would say at a family dinner table and everyone would tell him he just can't say things like that?
We won't even discuss the GOP race. I don't want to get my blood pressure up anymore than it already is.

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