Wednesday, February 29, 2012

county politics

I am fully aware of the vast differences in parties these days and I am open minded enough to hear the other side, even though I might not agree. I have to say, Anne Arundel politics has moved into the dark side as of late, from what I am hearing from the ones 'we' elected. Not that they were not there to begin with, just more open to showing their true colors.
Let's begin with Don Dwyer. he has been elected twice in Maryland to represent district 31. His sole purpose since being elected is to stop the same sex marriage bill because no gay people should be allowed the same rights as a man and a woman in marriage. He even tried to disbar a judge who took a stand on the issue who supported it. Interestingly, he is seperated from his wife.
Then we have our illustrious county council. Councilman Grasso, who represents the Glen Burnie area, called his ditrict the 'new ghetto' and and opposed low-income housing because someone who pays $380 in rent isn’t a “quality person.”
Wait, thats not all. He's a birther. And he has informed all of us that there is new evidence on the internet about a social security number...really???
Last week, during the discussions among the coucilmen to decide on who to replace Counselman Jones (the first african american to EVER be seated on the council), the vote was split. 3 votes for a qualified black candidate and 3 for a white candidate. Councilman Ladd showed his true colors and discussed his time in Vietnam and the 'gooks' he encountered. As my colleague said to me today..isn't that something your grandfather would say at a family dinner table and everyone would tell him he just can't say things like that?
We won't even discuss the GOP race. I don't want to get my blood pressure up anymore than it already is.

Thursday, February 23, 2012


Before I launch on my topic of the day, I must remember not to say anything bad about the "hon" lady anymore. Despite her ability to follow the philosophy "There are no stupid questions, only inquisitive idiots", she came into the library yesterday 3 times for various inquisitions-info on coconut milk that can stop alzheimers, weight watcher's point value on Giant's chocolate cake..and something about a diet regime I've never heard of. In any case, while I was at lunch, she came in with a package of cinnamon twists to thank me for my kindness. Ok Ok i'll keep my commentary to a minimum...

I have been suffering with various aches and pains as of late. Of course, just as I said to myself a month ago how good I was feeling...anyway, i never ever take my health for granted. And even more so when things interfere with your daily quality of life. I am still very fortunate, despite limping my way through the day and popping antinflammatory pills. This should pass, hopefully without surgery.

I have to keep these things in perspective where my dear friend is struggling with ALS, both physically and emotionally. I give her a great deal of credit for her strength. She may have bad days, but she is working towards making everyday the best day. I recently went to a support group meeting and it was an eye opener as to how this disease takes its toll-emotionally, mentally, and physically. i was so touched to see a woman there those husband is now confined to bed go hug a woman struggling with her husband's illness and ask her what she needs and what we can give her. This is the human spirit at its best.

So, tomorrow will be better. And if not, I'll deal with it...

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Wednesday morning in the library

I know I need to be more tolerable to my public as they are my bread and butter. Babies in Bloom was this morning. We had our usual large crowd..28 babies and about 18 adults. Noise level was normal and I am happy to report that our brand new carpet has been christened with a small child barfing all over it. Carpet is what,a week old? And did she take her children home? No...saw her running our the door with one of them as they threatened to leave their mark again 30 minutes later. Really..I am a mom as well. If my kid throws up in storytime, I take them home.
I didn't clean it up completely until it was over, but a women's group was anxious to get in there right after the program. I had left a rag over the mess so I knew where to clean. The speaker for the group took it upon herself to pick the rag up and toss it on the counter. Thanks. Then she asked when someone would be in from the library to set her room up. I told her that would be the group's responsibility. Really?
And now I am sitting in front of iPad user who is watching a video on his device with the sound turned up to 10. While he peruses the DVD's at the same time. Are we really that self important?
At least the "hon" lady isn't here today.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Children advantages

We are experiencing having Andrew home this semester for the first time in 2 and a half years. i had grown accustomed to not having him there. I had a spare bedroom for guests. I always had leftovers in the fridge. I never had to share the TV. Wasn't sure if I was gonna like it. And I like it. He is there with a smile on his face every day I come home from work. He is doing very well in school (full time at the local community college). He empties the dishwasher without me asking. He calls everyday and asks what to do about dinner. Today, he brought me lunch from home because I didn't have time to go home and get it.
He picks Maddie up from swim practice. He never argues. Hardly ever in a bad mood. And no issues with TV sharing. Yeah, its really nice. And it will be nice when he returns as well.
Not to take away what I love about Maddie still at home. She pitches in for baking. Fetches things. Walks the dog. Does very well at school. And even keeps her room clean most of the time. She is 14, so there there are a few storm clouds on occasion with her disposition (don't we all), but she hides in her room until the storm passes.
I am very lucky. Despite the few life speed bumps in the road we all deal with.