Monday, December 26, 2011

post christmas

I have so much to be grateful for, despite a few bumps in the road. You seem to really bring this into focus around the holidays, where we still have folks living in cardboard boxes and parents who can't give their kids a Christmas. Kinda puts your problems in focus, doesn't it?
I am grateful for my health. And my family's health. I am grateful I have a paycheck coming into the house, despite to massive furlough days this year.
On a lighter note, I am grateful Lucy has stopped eating our house, despite her discovery of the gingerbread house she noticed at eye level. She mighta gotten away with it if it were not for the trail of candy into the sun room. Seems gingerbread agrees with dogs.
I am grateful all my nieces and nephews are taking a stab at college. I am not grateful that they are not being very successful at it. Please get these kids on track.
I am glad to have everyone home for the holidays. Just wish Andrew would get hi issues straightened out.
I have to say, I am now burned out with Christmas movies. Time to think about New Years. If we must. new Years is so difficult, There's pressure to go out. You try to make a party plan at home-no one seems to rsvp. DO they not want to commit or simply don't want to travel?
Seems the bumps in the road were all at the end of the year...lets hope 2012 is a better year.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Seasons Greetings!

I pondered whether I would do a letter this year, as the times have changed with all this techy stuff. I probably talk to most folks on some social network, but there are others who haven’t embraced all this stuff yet-so, here I am.
We have had a good year, even with the little bumps in the road. I am a little more enthusiastic about the holidays this year. Maybe cause Maddie is old enough to wrap all my gifts for me. Never mind that I have to pay’s worth it.
So, the Adams had some travels this year. Jen took a trip to Ver-
mont this year in July and spent a week in the mountains hiking and bonding with other women. I had a fabulous time, despite a few challenging women who arrived from Canada and one from the upper East side of Manhattan. Canadian women listened to no one and won-dered off on their own-which distressed our young charges who don’t want to lose anyone or have them fall off a mountain. They wore designer hiking outfits and came equipped with personal hiking sticks. I’m surprised they didn’t have a hiking valet to carry their belongings. The New York socialite arrived with many bags, demanded they hold up the hikes until she arrived in the lobby to catch the shuttle, and wondered why there were no bathrooms in the woods.
In August, we headed to Colorado to visit Sean and Laura. Colorado is a beautiful place-in the summer. We climbed the rocky mountains where we left 85 degree heat to snow. And elk crossing the road in front of us. This thrilled all of us, especially Alan, who feels he needs up close and personal contact with wildlife (bears in California, buffalo in South Dakota) for that incredible snapshot. Loved Sean and Laura’s house..old but charming. And perhaps a bit haunted.
Andrew is in his third year of school and doing well. I do admire his ability to juggle school and work (a graduation requirement)-even though his new job on campus this year is on the fiber arts crew. He weaves and spins wool..and is paid. I like it. And he has service work to do as well. He thought of volunteering for some nursing homes and reading aloud to older adults. Gotta be aware you will read what they want you to read-could be Harlequin American Romance number 158…
Maddie is thriving in her first year of high school. Maintaining the principal’s honor roll, play-ing field hockey and is now on the school's swim team. She is organized and meticulous about her life, except maybe her room. But she assured me she is aware of where everything is on the floor, by grid number.
Alan is still working at more overtime, which I think is healthier for all of us. Yoga is part of his routine..he is getting more Zen. That’s good too. I am still with the li-brary, faced with salary cuts again this year. Hoping things change next year. Staying busy with aerobics, swimming, reading, craft projects (did a mosaic table), and anything else that catches my fancy.
Hope all of you have a wonderful holiday and new year!! The Adams

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Launching the holiday season

Ho is officially December and the the madness begins. Actually, it began Thanksgiving night at 11 PM, a stores had lines wrapped around their buildings and insanity began. One woman pepper sprayed her fellow shoppers just to be sure she would get her PS3. Nothing says holidays like the American frenzy.
My work party this year was not the usual gathering of good food and white elephant gifts, but we changed the venue to a bowling alley. Sorry, just not the same. Had a good time bowling, but didn't really socialize too much with the others. And could we even begin to compare the food? As Maddie has so astutely pointed out, it is all about the food....
Tomorrow I decided to host a Christmas Tea and Ornament exchange. I have most of or library volunteers coming-my target audience. Good thing I had that festive bowling party to put me in the spirit :-) And of course, I did plan it around the game-even though it should be a slam dunk.
Next weekend is the neighborhood holiday decorating contest, which I am hosting as well. I must be out of my mind really. Maybe it a good thing all around..keeps my mind off of other unpleasant situations that are floating around the family.
I hope I am a visitor here more often in the next few is a great outlet to the stress and pressure. Oh, and Happy Holidays!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Weimaraner Wildness

Maddie has been hot on the trail for asking for another dog. Frankly, after living with looney Lucy for 3 years, she is more than enough dog for me. But ok, I will be willing to be open to perhaps another dog.
Marcia's dog Pepper came for a visit around the Thanksgiving holiday. I got a taste of what is was to have 2 animals. Granted, i am spoiled with Lucy, who is yard bound by an electric fence. Pepper required constant supervision outside-she was a runner. Always came back, but god knows I didn't want to be responsible for losing marcia's BFF. And then there was the small incident in the office, where Pepper, who is so good about using the bathroom outside, shredded my blinds to try and get out (stomach issues that require no detail). So, as much as I love that little dog, it was good to see her head home.
Then I got wind of someone trying to find a home for a weimaraner, which I have had a love for as long as I have watched Sesame Street. They dress them up on Sesame Street, use them for showing kids letters..and there they sit, docile, easy going animals that defy beauty. So, Tyler came for an overnight...thinking this is good for Lucy..will wear her out and she will have comapany. A test so to speak.
Ever given a 90 pound dog puppy uppers??? This was a dog on speed. Never stopped..except for his 4 and a half hour sleep from 1 AM to 5 30 AM. Crating..he howled. Drank copious amounts of water, then had to pee every 20 minutes.Panted nonstop-probably cause he never stops moving. Tried claiming apha dog with Lucy by humping her. No go-Lucy stood her ground. Alan wound let him out to pee-he was gone like road runner. Showed back up when he was done cruising the neighborhood. Sleeping arrangements..I ended up sleeping in Andrew's room and Tyler curled up with Alan. Morning time, we started all over again. Racing from room to room, drink water, race some more, eat the cat food, more water, throw in some barks, then, as Alan was sitting in the sun room reading the paperon the sofa, Tyler lifted his leg and peed on the sofa-most of which landed on the Sunday paper. Okay, I'm done. No dog pees on my sofa and the sports section.
So, Tyler is still homeless...which is a sad thing, but I can't rescue all dogs. looks like we will make a visit to the pound in the near future. And hope Tyler finds a 5 acre home to run and eat squirrels.