Wednesday, August 24, 2011

mother nature pays a visit

It is a quiet Tuesday afternoon around 1 40 PM. I am working on my computer when I realize the building is shaking and I hear a low rumble. I thought someone was on the roof. It's taking a while for it to register but i realize it isn't stopping and the shaking in getting progressively worse.That's when adrenyline kicks in. I race out of my office only to see the building is shaking and rumbling. My first thought was the building was coming down. I scream Get Out, and rush the door. Everyone for themselves. As I hit the parking lot, everyone else in the shopping mall is outside as well. So, this is a building issue. What just happened? Was that an earthquake?
Word spread fast..indeed it was. It struck right outside Richmond VA and registered a 5.9 on the ricter scale. It could be felt all the way to Canada. Except in Western NC near the mountains.
We are now bracing for Hurrican Irene this weekend. Okay, two acts of nature in one week is two too many. I really do want to move to the mountains.
Time to find tarps and sandbags.

1 comment:

  1. Let's hope trouble doesn't really come in threes. What's next?
