Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Laundrymat

This past weekend, I spend a couple of hours at our local laundrymat washing quilts.  Haven't been to a laundrymat since my college days.  Can't say much has changed.  Except now I have a laptop with a movie I can pop in while things are sudsing.  What I should take into account are the cast of characters that reside at the laundrymat who need to offer commentary to you or anyone who wants to listen.  "Hey, is that a porn movie???  Turn that thing up!  I could use some porn right now!" Mabel responds "I could make alot of money if I did porn in the laundrymat."  That led to various porn scenarios..sitting on washing machines, stretching across the dryers, rolling naked people in baskets...really, more info that I  needed to know.    Good thing most were over the age of 21...most like over the age of 60.  Remind me to bring a flask next time I hang with Mabel and Ginger.   

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