Monday, March 28, 2011

quality sibling time

I had a quiet weekend which is like the lull before the storm.  Lacrosse doesn't gear up until this weekend for my daughter. So, I took the opportunity to spend some time with my brothers at their respected businesses. Share some chat, food, and drink.  I dropped in to see Tim was hoppin.  There was live music and seems the food and great service drives them in.  I sat at the bar-immediately made friends with the woman to my right and her husband.  She spent a good part of an hour trying to think of people I might know from Annapolis back when i lived there 40 years ago. Are u kidding me?  After suggesting the names of about 76 people and I continued to respond. "No, doesn't ring a bell." she gave up. She turned her attention to the music and throwing out her requests-Jim Croce, Billy Joel...yeah...welcome to the 80's.
Then I met a very nice couple who came in for dinner. By the time they left, we all decided to attend the Blue Festival together. 
And just as the evening was winding down, friends of my brothers dropped in, which led to long chats of their misbehavior growning up. See, i really don't need to travel with anyone-I just pick up whoever is around.
Sunday, we drove down to Southern Maryland to have lunch with Nick.  My hubby ordered a marguarita-they can't give it to him until 12 noon.  COunty law down in them parts.  Cause I guess if you are going to get sloshed, you have to do it after church.  Had a great meal and shared the perils of management. 
Great seeing you my brothers.  We need to connect more often. other than during sports season.

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