Wednesday, August 12, 2015

and our final stop....Barcelona pt 2

Let me count the ways I love Barcelona! Our hotel was situated right in the heart of the city-a half block from Las Ramblas on a foot traffic only wide alley (there are a lot of these in the city). Our first day we hiked up to the park and finished the day off with the Picasso Museum. Little did I know Picasso painted simple portraits before he became famous with his Cubism art.

Monday was Sagrada Familia, which was as grand as I expected it to be. They continue to build it (have been since 1926) and hope to finish in 2026, the anniversary of the architect's death-Antoni Gaudi. Beyond crazy can describe this monstrosity, which can offer mass for 6500 people. It has tree looking columns, christmas trees, fruit scruptures, a giant Jesus on a cross...pretty much everything. Gaudi's style is gingerbread house influence. Or castles that look like they were poured out of sand.

We followed that with a walk to Park Guell, which required a massive hike up a hill to the top. Despite the work out (just about killed me), the view was spectacular. And of course, the park was designed by Gaudi, so lots of ice cream sand castles and beautiful mosaic work. Dinner was a recommendation from the hotel clerk (I take my grandmother there). Spectacular. Delicious. And authentic.

Tuesday, Alan headed home and Maddie and I headed to the funicular of another beautiful fort looking over the city, Montjuic. Think we hit every form of transportation in barcelona-subway, metro, cab, bus, and cable car.

We walked down the national Museum, where we thought we could lunch in a beautiful room overlooking the city. Until we sat down and discovered the cost of lunch. We almost had to sneak out without paying for our 3.00 soda, as the server was pissed we refused to order food.

That night, we arranged flamingo dancing and Paella. Lots of fun, despite the effort to try and get the audience up and dancing with them. We looked the other way. And we sat next to a texan family, who were the epitome of obnoxious Americans. Wouldn't try and speak even a thank you in Spanish. And don't they live in a Spanish speaking state???

That night, we had our upscale dinner at a place called Pla. It was classy, yet unpretentious. Plating was stellar and the waiter comes to your table and sits down to discuss today's specials. Lovely on all levels.

Our last day was on a Barcelona beach amongst the naked Europeans. You get used to it..a way of life. And Americans can be so prudish. Our Victorian heritage i suppose.

Trip home was uneventful. However, Alan had a trip from hell. A large Nigerian woman in full Nigerian garb, sat across the aisle from him, and after an hour, started throwing up. She ended up laying in the aisle of the plane due to illness. No where to put her, as the plane was full. They got to baltimore and could not land thanks to severe thunder storms. Then they started running out of fuel and had to fly to Norfolk to refuel. Came back to Baltimore 3 hours late, only to be quarantined because of this woman's illness. finally got home at 1 30 AM. After being up for 30 hours.

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