Monday, January 27, 2014

library updates

It has been a while since I paid a visit here. It has been a cold, dreary month with not much to celebrate. Ravens didn't make it to the super bowl. Andrew trying to get his footing in life. Moses the cat continues to live. I have been visiting our page for activity in out libraries and we have really had too many to report. How sad? Or maybe it's the lull before the storm. We just opened longer hours starting today so perhaps we will see other walks of life come into our building. We did have a patron call us this morning and ask us if we could give her the names of some spiritual advisors, but NOT a psychic. Hmmm...what would that be exactly? A priest? Her follow up question was to find a matchmaking service where men have to pay and women do not. Perhaps the spiritual advisor could advise her on finding a man.
Despite not much going on in the crazy department, I did find this snippet:

Angel brought a total of twelve books to the circulation desk during three visits this morning proclaiming loudly that she had read them all, explaining that they were not checked out and at one point said "You need to put these away."

According to circulation assistant Amy, Angel was quite agitated about a book that she said talked about Voodoo, that Voodoo was really bad, that we should not have books in the library about Voodoo. I was able to find the book which is titled "Complete Wine Selector." Inside the back cover, the location that Angel pointed to as containing the offending information, included this description of the author: "Katherine Cole writes columns for the FOODday section of the Oregonian." We think that Angel read FOODday as Voodoo.

According to Laura and Kate, Angel also spent about 15 minutes in the 9:30am Castle Ball program. According to Kate, she was interacting with a child who did not seem uncomfortable with the interaction, nor did the child's grandmother seem uncomfortable with the interaction. While in the program (during the crafts), Angel's behavior was appropriate.

At about 4:30 this afternoon, Angel, who we've grown to know for her potential outbursts, checked out 8 items and at first left without incident. She returned into the branch immediately, grabbing a grocery bag that she had left near PC #1, and shouted to a man at PC #03 that it was time to go. It didn't appear that the man at #03 knew her. When she left this time, she set off the alarm. She kept walking, shouting nonsense, and Officer G. and I followed after her, calling her back in. She came in willingly, shouting that it was raining and that she had things to do, and I told her that we just needed to re-check her items because she had set off the security alarm. She continued shouting, saying, "what do you want me to do, strip? I'll strip. I don't have time for this shit." She threw her large black bag with her library books on the counter, dropped a shopping bag, and threw her jacket on the counter. When the contents of the shopping bag spilled on the floor, she looked at us, aggressively spreading her arms, and said, "See what you did?" She continued to shout at all of us, saying "you're just trying to make yourselves look good," telling us to "keep smiling," "take your time" and that she had important things to do. Susan and Marie quickly ran her items over the desensitizers again. As she gathered her things and left, she did not set of the alarm, but continued shouting on her way out. Rebecca saw her turn her head and spit on her way out of the exterior door, but as far as we could tell it was not inside the building.

Ah, good things are back on track....

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