Wednesday, October 2, 2013

community prez

So, in a moment of insanity, I agreed to run for president of our community association. I had secretly hoped I would lose, at the same time we have had no leadership in a long time and I suppose someone needed to step up. Unfortunately, this is a trend across America..the lack of interest and time to give back to the community. And besides, I had just been instrumental in reducing our board meetings to 4 times a year..I can handle 4 meetings a year, right? I ran against the vice president, who had to step in because the president flew the coop. I won 6-3, despite my good friend Sherry who did not vote for me to save me from myself.
I was feeling like this was manageable-until I paid a visit to the former prez who left office. He congratulated me and indicated that the fun is just beginning..wait until i start receiving registered letters and lawsuit papers in the mail. Now, I really didn't sign up for all that. And apparently he often spent time at community properties cutting the grass to avoid complaints from the 84 year old man who lived next door. I don't roll lawn mowers down the road to cut lawns. That's why we have lawn services.
Then yesterday, a board member dropped by my house to give me THE PRESIDENTIAL BRIEFCASE. It is a briefcase that dates back to the 60's, old, black, and boxy. I felt like I needed one of those chains and locks to your wrist when the exchange was made. It contains many secret things that the president needs and apparently, carries to every board meeting. I waited to open it-I was a little frightened to know what might be in it. Gold? Secrets about the neighbors? Classified information from 1920? Finally I gathered muster and unlocked the box..only to find a treasure trove of historical documents and unfinished business. Property plats, lawsuit papers, checks written a year ago, minutes from 6 years ago, registered letters (there is that request to cut the grass) and a booklet on the laws governing pets in Anne Arundel County. Which would not be unusual, but it had been highlighted with post it notes about the perils of cats.
And so my term begins. One complaint about trash location. And the use of a road in the community. So far, so good. I'll keep you posted.

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