Wednesday, October 9, 2013

another library chapter....

Happening in our branches....

Meltdown in the Bathroom

“About 5:40 pm I noticed a man standing by the brick wall outside the bathrooms talking on his phone. He was talking pretty loud. All of a sudden I could hear yelling from inside the men's bathroom. The occupant must have thought he was being talked to thru the door because he was yelling "back off I'm urinating in here you're going to give me a fucking heart attack" The guard was knocking on the door telling the guy to come out. When he came out we learned it was the homeless man, with the green shorts and (now) brown shirt, that is in here all the time. He came out yelling and pointing to the ceiling saying this is all on camera.”

Officer Larson:

“The suspect…was yelling and screaming in the men’s bathroom. I responded to the location banged on the door for several minutes. Suspect opened door and I entered the bathroom with suspect. I asked him what’s wrong, what’s going on? He stated the patron (witness William) was harassing him. The witness was talking on his cell phone about hot rods. He started cursing and threatening. I told him to calm down. After I was satisfied that I had him under control the suspect and I departed the men’s room. When he came out the suspect screamed at the witness. He departed the area on his own. The witness was just talking on his cell phone. He was waiting to use the bathroom. The suspect for some reason thought Mr. R. was talking about him. I know this was not true. Mr. R. was talking about hot rod, bikes, etc.

Also during the day I noticed he was talking a lot to himself in front of computers.

Lost and Found Shopper

At approximately 12:20, a man approached Lynn at the circulation desk and told her that he lost his iPad, touchscreen cell phone, gold bracelet and sunglasses. Lynn checked the drawer and had none of those items. As she was looking in the drawer, he saw another cell phone and told Lynn that it belonged to his girlfriend and he would just go ahead and take it. Lynn informed him that his girlfriend would need to come in and pick it up.

The man is the same person who has attempted this clever trick twice before at the branch.

Lady Changes Clothes in Stacks

We had several incidences with a young lady who spent most of her time at our computers near the hold shelves on Monday. She displayed some signs of being intoxicated but we did not smell liquor or see her drink liquor in the library. An empty vodka bottle was found in the trash by our custodian today. At one point she used the circ desk phone and it was overheard that she told the person on the other end that she had peed her pants at the library. She spent some time in the bathroom (long enough that I went and knocked and checked on her (around 7pm) and took Ralph our guard with me to stand outside the restroom, she said she was ok and was drying her pants. She for a while wore a sweatshirt sort of as a skirt. This look was not really indecent (though odd). I did have to speak with her a few times about playing music and singing along in the library. Upon review of our video surveillance system today it is clear that around 8:10 she takes the sweatshirt off her bottom half near computer 15, runs into the stacks in her underwear and puts on her pants. She left without incident not long after this (though she did say she would see us tomorrow). After reviewing the tape and speaking with our Area Supervisor we have decided to ban the patron for a period of one month for indecent exposure as well as general disruptive behavior. A banning letter has been printed and is at the information desk. We do not know her name or card number. As an additional note there is an incident report about her and similar behavior from last fall and we believe this is the first time she has been in since then.

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