Sunday, August 25, 2013


I am spending a beautiful evening on my deck drinking wine and enjoying 80 degree low humidity weather in August. Marcia, my dearest friend forever-or, as some call BFF, has come for a long overdue visit. And even though her distance is only an hour, her life is always been a state of flux. Which is what I love about her. Alan asked me why we hadn't seen her all summer and the answer required a dissertation.
She is spontaneous and driven by her heart not always her head. She has a beautiful daughter named Athena who is fathered by a handsome hispanic she worked with in a restaurant in her early 30's. They made a run at a relationship and lived together for 2 weeks. Best thing to come out of that short lived relationship was Athena. her other realtionships were results of online dating. peter lasted less than a year. Fred was 6 years until he died of a tragic motorcycle accident.
She is athereal, cosmic, and spiritual. She teached yoga to seniors, is a massage therapist, and throws in healing touch anytime she has the opportunity. She is silly, positive, and moves with the wind.
Having a visit with her is like a shot of happiness. How lucky we all are to have people like this on our lives.

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