Friday, August 30, 2013

and in library news...

I just did a quick check of what was going on in our libraries this week and I have to say the titles were more intriguing than the actual stories....


At approximately 4:45 PM Page David reported to Susie that he saw a young woman stuffing our Gorilla puppet into her satchel. At that time, she was using public computer #1 in the Adult area. When she became aware that David had witnessed this action, he politely said to her something like, “Hi, I noticed that you were putting our puppet in your bag . . .” at which she pulled the gorilla out of her bag and gave it to him without speaking.

This incident occurred near the end of David’s shift, but he mentioned that, much earlier, at the beginning of that shift, which began at 1:00 PM, he had noticed the gorilla on the floor next to the belongings of that same patron who was with a young boy, presumably her son, in the children’s area. (These puppets/stuffed animals are usually displayed on high shelves in this area.) As mentioned above, it was much later that he saw the gorilla again when he was working on the opposite end of the library near PC#1. At that time he noticed the gorilla on the floor next to the patron’s satchel before she placed it in her bag.

Suspicious person wrapped in foil sleeping on branch property

· Gi arrived at 8:10am.

· She noticed a “foil” (what the bag looks like is a space blanket sleeping bag) sleeping bag next to the Verizon hub/shed building.

· In the past on Monday mornings when Gi noticed the “foil” sleeping bag on our property it usually had a person sleeping in it, but closer to the shopping center parking lot. She has always reported this to Vernon & Michele.

· A strong smell of marijuana was in air and Gi decided before going into the building to call our non-emergency police number from her vehicle and ask for an Officer to check on sleeping person(s).

· As I was speaking to the dispatch our AA County Police community officer came into the parking lot and I spoke with him.

· Cpl. J.walked around the sleeping bag and then yelled to him to wake up and move on. Cpl. J. waited for him to sit up, put his shoes on, gather his items and he did leave going towards the parking lot.

· Cpl. J. shared with us (at this point my co-worker Anita was in the parking lot with us) the gentleman in the sleeping bag is an older African American male his name is James well known in the area & will leave property when told.

· Cpl. J. was glad we called and encouraged us to do so whenever we had that uncomfortable feeling.

Noisy children petition

During the 3 o'clock hour circ staff asked a patron to tell the information staff about a man who approached her to sign a petition requesting library staff to ask patrons with noisy children to leave the building. The patron found the petition topic offensive and was unhappy that the man approached her with his petition. The patron wanted staff to be aware of what the man was doing. By the time I returned from helping a patron the petitioner had left. Jean recognized the patron as one of our regulars but doesn't know his name. If he comes in again I will let this person know what the proper procedure is for circulating petitions.

Charles Escalates His Complaints About Children in the Library

Mr. B. uses the library almost daily. For the past year he has complained to the circ staff about children using the library. He has referred to the children in the building as "roaches," among other things. He has said that he hopes all the children and people under 50 years will go to the new branch so that he can continue to use this branch without them. Circ staff try to ignore his comments and not feed into it.

On 6/6/13 Lynn reported the following:

"When Mr. B came to the check-out desk today, he asked me, "Do you have a stick?" When I replied "My stick?", I believe he motioned to the J area, because it prompted me to tell him that he would get used to it, because with school out, there would be more children in the branch. His reply was that "crime rates would go up." I said "crime rates?" and he said "because of the hoodlums."

On 8/23/13 Marie overheard the following:

Mr. B. came to Lynn at checkout and began to complain about the limited selection of new titles. He was upset that of his 60 plus holds approximately 30 were position 0 so they were on order. He then began to complain about what he read in the Capital about the library system getting increased funds. His wording was that "we are getting 800 zillion dollars in new funding and the main dweeb said it was all going to children's programming." Lynn talked with him for quite a while, explaining the library system's new initiatives and trying to direct any further questions/complaints to the Area Supervisor or Library Headquarters.

On 8/26/13 Carol had the following interaction with Mr. B:

Mr. B said "Did you hear that sound this morning?" Carol said "No, what?" Mr. B said "It is the sound of the crime rate going down because the kids are back in school."

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