Friday, January 11, 2013

finally's to 2012

I suppose I need to put some credence in what my son shared with me over the holidays when I asked him to write our annual newsletter. And 3 days of bugging him, he told me he was working on it, that it was a process and he needed to ponder and organize his thoughts before he wrote it. I finally let him off the hook, thinking it would be February before he wrote it. Now I understand-have not been feeling the blog lately. But I am back, hopefully with more regularity. So, here is my annual newslwtter that was never sent, nor were cards sent either. Buty don't think I wasn't thinking of you all...

Our 2012 was a good one for the most part. I am a believer that things happen for a reason with positive results..whether you learn from it or offers a better outcome. Andrew faced his first hurdle as an adult when he did not return to Warren Wilson College in the spring. It was a tough time, but he picked himself up and picked up a number of classes at the community college in the spring and fall. He has been accepted to Towson State this coming spring, where he will be working and living in yuppieland of Towson proper. He is very close to finishing his degree, which makes his parents very happy.

Maddie continues to excel in high school and sets her sights on the environmental field, perhaps engineering. Let's all pray to the scholarship gods.

Maddie and I took a trip to Charleston and Savannah with her friend Dylan. My friend Marcia met us there as well. So much fun and laughter.

We took a trip north to New England and Canada this past summer. It was stuningly beautiful and cool, unlike the miserable mid atlantic.

We returned to normal this fall and Alan added to the animal collection of the Adams house with 4 hens. They love underneather the steps of the deck. No smell. Yet. They deliver 4 eggs a days...nothing wrong with that. Lucy is just not interested. However, if they were running around the yard, then all bets are off. Then its a game.

Moses lives on. Or, as my mother calls him, the Spawn of Satan. Its always the mean ones that live on.

Wishing all of you a presperous year! Go Ravens!

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