Sunday, January 27, 2013


My life has been consumed with football. We have had football gatherings for the division and AFC champion games. i have a breather this week, as we head to superbowl next weekend. And of course, now I am consumed with menu options. Food and football. What will happen when the season is over?
I did a quick check for library stories and nothing worth noting. Although yesterday presented some of our regulars at their finest. Our smelly patron was back yesterday, just as ripe as ever. Not sure how to handle that situation. I have talked to them, but no change. Then we had the gentleman who comes in daily-a musician or something. The conversation wit staff yesterday:
"excuse me, but have you ever eaten chocolate covered ants?"
"Uh, no. I don't eat bugs'"
Patron number 2: "Hey, have you ever eaten fried termites?"
Staff: "No. never plan to." (and why are we having this conversation?)
Ant patron: "I could never eat termites."
Termite patron: "But you are missing our on alot of nutritional value!"
Ant patron: "Not really cause I wouldn't keep them down once i ate them."

Brooklyn Park seems to have their share of crazies, some of which are scary. There was a boy of 13 who threatened them with an ak-47. Police took the threat seriously. Really-13?

Meanwhile, Maddie and I head to Baltimore tomorrow morning for a Ravens sendoff to New Orleans. Hard to believe I am even saying that.

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