Tuesday, July 31, 2012


It's been beastly hot this summer and what better way to handle it than the summer olympics. Have to say, I find myself a bit obsessed about it. I am watching noon and night. I even streamlined the field hockey game at work. I am like a junkie. But I suppose its better than being a herion junkie..

Men's gymnastics team had high hopes for a medal and it was dashed with a very sloppy performance. They were falling all over the place. Chinese, in their usual fashion, were stellar and took gold for like the 6th olympics in a row. Speaking of Chinese, there is a 16 year old Chinese girl swimmer who is swimming faster than men. And she improved her speed by 7 seconds in the last year. Hmmm.....unusual?

Micheal Phelps mighta smoked a little too much pot off season..not a stellar perfomance yet. His big race is tonight.

Happy moments..Canadians made it to the podium with a bronze in team gymnastics. First time since 1912! And winner of the men'd road race was a 38 year old man who is ending his olympic career...on a very high note.

Let the games continue...

Friday, July 27, 2012

library news

And the library sagas continue....

About 12:15 PM, Nicholas and Jason (both 11 years old) notified me that there were two birds in the lobby. Both birds were in fine shape; one was desperately trying to fly out (succeeding only in knocking himself into the windows), the other was sitting peacefully on the floor by the bookdrop (perhaps pondering whether she wanted to buy some sale materials).

With the help of my two assistant ornithologists, I managed to secure the strays (one at a time) in a sweater and release them to much-appreciated freedom. Before they departed, both were heard to say "cheep cheep."

I made the boys certificates proclaiming them Great Bird Rescuers. After some consideration, they asked if I could post the certificates in the branch. They now hang in pride on our Wall of Dreams.

This person has been banned from the library for a year...

Ann Marie S., currently banned from all AACPL libraries, approached Gloria, ANN branch manager, at Westfield Town Center Annapolis (Annapolis Mall) Friday, June 29, about 7pm. Ms. Harberts told Ms. S to stay away or she would call Security. Ms. S repeated "You do that, you do that" several times but did not walk away, continuing to speak with Ms. Harberts. Ms. Harberts did call Mall security and the Anne Arundel County Police; they both came. Mall security told Ms. Harberts that they were quite familiar with Ms. S.

In a snapshot of little mountain Road...we had family number one, who consists of a 4 year old and his mom, who spends 7 hours on facebook and requires her little one to entertain himself for the entire day.

patron number 2 (a regular), called us to ask if we knew any mexicans who could come to her house on Gibson island to do yard work because "those people don't get poison sumac and poison ivy". We politely declined to help her-she wanted us to post an ad specifically requested latino men. She has come in and asked for help before-at that time, she simply wanted young men to come do her yardwork. She has now decided Latino men are her style.

We got new computers in this week....our infamous Mr. Gregg (who requres chairs at all time) is in a complete dizzy over the changes...he just left the information desk for the 5th time. Granted, he was kneeling.

Saturday, July 21, 2012


After our unsuccessful moose hunt, we made a car trip up mt. Washington before heading to maine. Now I know I have issues with heights, but this was by far the most difficult. it wasn't as high as the Rockies, but sections of the roads are dirt and very narrow. Even my half Valium made no difference in my stress levels. Top of the mountain was amazing, yet cold. Wind chills of 27. And we met a number of Appalachian Trail hikers coming to the end of the trek from Georgia. Needless to say, i sat in the back of the car, eyes closed until we reached the bottom.

We took scenic Route 2 into Maine, which was beautiful. Arrived in Bar Harbor and immediately seeked out lobster. They were quite delicious, yet the tails were a bit tough. Maybe overcooked? Marcia joined us with Pepper, who looked a little worn out from travelling for a month. She was camping and fighting the mosquitoes. i was happy to return to my comfy hotel.

Acadia national Park is the place to go..overlooks the ocean and Bar Harbor. We did a nature boat ride, which was greatwe saw many Bald Eagles and seals. Not too crazy about the tour guide..see,s he didn't really have a happy outlook of tourists unless you had you wallet out.

We left Bar Harbor and headed down to Boothbay Harbor, which I love. Quaint, sweet, and great clam chowder. Maddie and Alan did a kayak ride while Andrew and I looked for much needed coffee. Too bad winter last 9 months p there..I would live there.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

moose hunting

We returned to the US of A and made a stop in Gotham New Hampshire. It is a charming New England town consisting of pretty much nothing. It is the gateway to the auto road up Mt. Washington. We looked for a movie theater-no luck unless we travelled to Berlin Maine.
After dinner we decided it was te to find a moose. I was not too keen on the idea but the boys were determined. They inquirer at dinner-after all wait staff have seen many a moose in their lifetimes. Off we gp to the obvious location -Moose Brook State Park. We cruised down darkened roads eyes peeled for a bullwinkle citing. No luck which was ok with me. I have no desire to have a close encounter with a bull moose. Maybe we will see one walking thru Bar Harbor like we see in Northern Exposure.
Before we left New Hampshire, we climbed Mt Washington. The infamous auto road. I prepared myself by popping a valium beforehand. Not much help. Sheer drops with no guardrails and barely enough room for 2 cars. Once at the top it was breathtaking beautiful. And a chilly 27 degrees with the wind chill factor. Winds gusts were close to 50 mph. Just to add to my stress. The return trip was better. I sat in the back with my eyes closed. The kids want to know why I keep doing this. California, the Rockies, Sequioa. This remains a mystery.

We are currently in Bar Harbor facing a stellar day of 70 degrees. I simply cant wait until I climb Acadia National park.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

vermont and crossing the border

As reported in my last post, our first order of business was Ben and Jerry's. But first, to honor a beautiful morning we had a true Vermont breakfast on the patio overlooking the mountains. And it lived up to its reputation. Fresh eggs,Vermont cheddar,Maine blueberries and Vermont maple syrup.
Ben and Jerry's is a very busy place. They were not making ice cream but tours went on,with a free sample of a special flavor. It was interesting but getting too commercial. Off to the Cabot's cheese annex for samples before we headed to Montreal.
have to say, the hotel was not a stellar one. It looked neglected and a bit shabby. And quite a complicated distance to Montreal. It did have a nice pool however.
a visit to old Montreal was sweet. That shows the true character of the city. We made a pit stop to the biosphere, which was created for the 69 exp.
We left this morning for new Hampshire after a pit stop to the Cabot cheese factory and lunch. The weather was incredible and we took scenic roads. It was a picture perfect new England day. 72 degrees, blue skies. Now I know why I love this part of the world.

Saturday, July 7, 2012


We wandered north and made our first pitstop in a tiny town called Milford, New Hampshire. I met a wonderful woman on my hiking retreat last year and she owns a gift shop in the center of town. We surprised her with a visit before heading over to the library to get more directions, which has been the vain of our existence. Next stop was the longest covered bridge in the United States. My family was overexcited to visit such a wondrous site. Not. Then we headed north to the King Arthur Flour Company much to the shagrin of cynical Andrew and Alan who viewed King Arthur Flour as a bouchois tourist trap. We finally headed two hours north to Stowe, Vermont. It's a charming ski resort with quaint churches and ski resorts dating back a number of years. We had dinner at Gracie's, where the theme was dogs, dogs, dogs. Apparently Gracie was the owner's beloved dog and they dedicated the restaurant to her. There were dog curtains, pictures of dogs, and actual dogs on the patio. We actually missed Lucy. Next stop: Ben & Jerry's and Cabot cheese. A dairy extraveganza.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

new england bound

We have hit the northern route yesterday and arrived in Boston. We stayed in Cambridge.which is so charming. MIT was right up the street and we had to smile when we observed a fraternity house with a blow up pool right on the city street with 8 or 9 students soaking and smoking a hookah. Oh those techie nerds.
After a 20 minute walk down to the harbor to see the blue angels.we spent the rest of the day reading and resting before the big 4th event. We got there early and found a great spot. Until lightening started and they postponed. Finally at 10 30 they started~just as the rain poured down. Have to say~they were epic. 3D fireworks. Really.
Off to Stowe and then Montreal. Maddie better brush up on her French.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

baseball and vacation

Happy July everyone!  It has been a hot one in these parts, but we have managed to sandwich in a couple of baseball games in the cooler weather.  I have to say, I have started fresh this year with my enthusiasm.  They have played well, until the last couple of weeks. Maddie and I attended a game against the Phillies in the early part of June.  We were able to see it  from the sky box (free food and liquor) and a win in the 12th inning.  What more could you ask for? Maybe less Philly fans...
We returned just last week against the Angels.  This time my good neighbor Bill invited us up to the field box seats..not as nice, but pretty awesome just the same.  Right behind home plate.  But we took a massive beating..13-1. Looks like we are in a decline.  So, in conclusion,l I will continue to attend my beloved Oriole games as long as I have prime seats and catered food.  It makes those losses a little easier to bear and the wins all more special.  And hell, I've been an O's fan for 30 plus years..I should have some perks by now.  Ones I don't have to pay for.